程竹梅從頭到尾很清楚表明表態: 程竹梅原根本不想淌台灣這淌混水 只是為了替大妹程君梅的冤死案平反 學耶穌基督背十字架
... 這個家庭家族模型在人類史上只會繼續發生 因為吾人生母這種 一定會繼續出現在人類史上 並與類似我生父的人組家庭 並(社會,政治/政府)強權集其身 所衍發出的一連串罪性
這是社會學研究 因此不容乎視
而我敢打包票 我程竹梅一定勝出
為了人類歷史的未來發展趨向 程竹梅一定勝出(By the Grace and Power of God, and not the arm/ genitals of mankind such as NTU Hwang-Tsir-Chou黃式州 would like to claim, that it is all a competition of male genitals. Which is what ADSmith&co. believes in and practices).
What Chu-Mei will demonstrate in history is that God does not have a penis. Period. People still thinking of and grasping onto that, will not enter the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven.
Sure, human history will indeed deteriorate. But that future does not include Chu-Mei's seeds. Although it does contain Hwang-Tsir-Chou's seeds, because Hwang-Tsir-Chou believes that the future will be more glorious than God, for his seeds.
So be it.
A bunch of Satanic offspring ... born only to be mass-massacred by God Elohim Himself.
And then immediately cast into Eternal Hell and Eternal Damnation.
And then immediately cast into Eternal Hell and Eternal Damnation.