2014年10月20日 星期一

台北南京東路長老教會主任牧師程世光這回(到現在終於)死定了: 自我檢討(兼檢討程君梅):程君梅太信任交大黃華宗教授夫婦&李啟誠牧師&程世光叔父罷了!

程世光連進娶竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警的智商與能力都沒有 那沒有的情況底下就是程世光徹底露陷兒 哇哈^5 程世光有漂亮帥壯的雞雞卻淪為這樣 ... 奈何 台灣閩南/客家人就是用這種方法想要替台灣有史以來一直都靠山的枕邊男朋友美國與猶太人, 用此法企圖徵服我們中國大陸與全世界華人界 - 有賴吳怡貞警員與其愛人葉志雄警組長在全世界各地的"'床上功夫"與"繁殖能力" 哇哈^5 這是吳怡貞女警一輩子走來惟一的生存目標與目的! 哇哈^5 這葉志雄警組長-亞哈王ㄟ邪惡的耶洗別皇后! 你們的子嗣到第四代會像殺死施洗約翰的希律王一樣Herod the Tetrach, 繼續統治與大量繁殖於台灣人民當中! 哇哈^5

No comments. (Just like new Russian televised news on youtube). I mean, I'm just absolutely fabergasted and speechless at  Chun-Mei's trust in Taiwanese police officer Wu-Yi-Jen 吳怡貞&.co./accomplices. Geez Chun ... you shouldn't try to f_ck with me (Chu-Mei) if you can't even beat me on Disney's "Bambi the Lamb" all-out Forest fire crippled scene! .... sheesh ... guess I  had to both stoop low enough to be just like Chun-Mei as well as being myself on off-hours! Sheesh! Like I said, all the three younger sisters in my family ... I was the one who REALLY raised them and defended them against ethnic Taiwanese Hakka bio-mother&co.'s sexual exploitation & abuse! Too bad minister uncle Cheng-Tsir-Guang still think he's got his perverse diseased penis covered and continues to threaten to murder his own biological mother if he doesn't get away with this all.

<<I know a lot of people esp. in Taiwan/ from Taiwan refuses to view videoclips without html links attached to it. But it's just too busy so F whoever doesn't have the time and wishes to pull me to bed with them for genetic copulation but is at minimum too f_cked and physically wimpy to view these videos as-is from the graphic html link. retards, these ethnic taiwanese (mostly males, but about also 25% of them being ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka females) >>











