2014年7月14日 星期一

黛比警員,妳知道我對妳純潔的愛永不渝 只要我能Justify歸妳此案於上帝的愛與公義的審判(上帝的愛大於審判) 世界上就連我美國的神學院男性師生也會諒解我為什麼之所以為妳而如此瘋狂 - 只要我釋放妳真正的自由自主 這一切痛苦與悲哀 都將瞬間轉化為天堂上的聖潔(因為上帝是聖潔的永生 神 耶和華是祂的名)

這篇文章會仍在寫述論述中,直到最後一斷落我補上一句"終於完成這篇國際人權法律與民族正義論述 It is Finished!"為止 若尚未看到這句話 就表示這篇文章還在繼續增加論述中! 一氣呵成 當上帝指出程竹梅已經忍辱(忍屈 忍冤 忍聲吞氣)夠久的時候 當上帝指出有馬上立即快速直達原先上帝恢復程竹梅在天堂上的樣子的直達火車"太魯閣自強號"的時候 these are among the rare moments in the life of Chu-Mei Chern ... that she knows ... "It is Finished At (Long) Last!" (All right, there are a few tricks you can pull when you're really desperate in the sense of the last remnant of the Jews that gets saved in the endtimes in the Apocalyptic landscape - I'll tell you about how to do that, how to get right with God, in the Prophet Daniel's way, the REALLY powerful way; when we're finally through with this international judicial case against involved ethnic Taiwanese false doctor perpetrators & associates worldwide).

I already know what I'm going to say here. But it's going to take a long time for me to type everything up because I still have to work for food despite the composite circumstances against me here in Taiwan (including fact of my second-time broken leg ... though this time it's not as serious as the first time when I almost got run over my skull by a stupid reckless driver that hit the gas pedal when I landed on the ground in front of her car. I would have died save she had a male employee in the front passenger seat who immediately yanked the hand-brake up hard. He doesn't seem to have ever gotten over the trauma of having broken my leg - he was sitting right where my leg got run over. He's over-weight at about more than at least 100 kilograms, you can tell that by comparing his size with Ma-Ying-Jeao's size and weight. The poor traumatized guy has been trying to cut down on all medical expenses in my medical report ever since because he's more worried for his employer (and his own handsome-paying job) than for the girl he just ran over and almost killed. This is typical of ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka mentality. Especially among the males. They do it and think this way because any ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka female want to do this more than their male counterparts. In a word, these ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka really don't give a damn what they do to other people, be it even their own ethnicity. They often say, and this is what ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka DPP political party is fond of quoting as well (in Hoklo-nese dialect) - "那是你家ㄟ歹事! 不關我家! F_CK YOU~!!!!!^N").

First I'll start with what I already have written -

竹市101年強股偵字6448刑案 我當時有上訴到北檢 北檢比竹檢還要更邪惡萬分(我在別處有documentation,在此不贅述)  此案重點是 北檢政府代表茍同馬英九,吳敦義,楊治良(前衛生署署長)對我的公然言語猥褻信件公文 此是前述所聲稱的"對程竹梅這賤婊子的'正當國家行政處份'"

前述者聲稱 因為6448案被告陳咨達(陳萬來)是"智能障礙" 因此程竹梅一定是自己勾引,"想要"陳萬來的雞雞 因此無罪釋放

你們別笑掉我的大牙了 哇哈^5 我五年級升六年級的暑假有個台灣鄰居黃毛小男生跑來我家跟大家說他要娶我 那件事如何笑掉我們家的大牙 這些上述也是在今天如今如何笑掉我們全族的大牙 哇哈^5

太極圖騰像個迷宮 而你們(所有長期涉案的台灣人士以及其國外的大哥大姊)現在已經被你們自己的處處謊都是謊, 所團團結結困鎖住了 哇哈^5

物理學本來就很強的我 只是在完全遵循上帝的太極人生(與戰略)哲學的一輩子當中 發現現在的物理三,四,五,N度太極圖騰電腦物理N度模型裡面 你們已經馬上完蛋了 所以現在我終於可以出來開始公然公眾揶揄你們而不被馬上以拳頭/(邪)惡勢力回拳被一拳揮倒我頭部 (yes, someone(s) honest at Caltech has affirmed my physics talent - at graduate level at GPS department. Yes. Geological and Planetary Science department. Someone(s) - and I have to strongly advise you, for your own life(ves)'s sake, never never never tell another soul. Not even Matt Pritchard. You know how he was onto Julia Sergeeuna Goreva. And whatever her bidding. He took whatever classes she told him to take, in order to up his ant in the system with Donald Samuel Burnett the fiancee (monetarily and of course also ... politically in terms of long-term in-bed-together-lover-relationship) of Julia Sergeeuna Goreva. You know these people - how nasty they are, how BLOODY MURDEROUS they are, the SATANISTS they are, they will do whatever it takes to get what they want in this life - and per their beliefs, beyond this life in the nether-worlds! Therefore. For your own little poor life's sake, please, please, please PLEASE - stay away. Let me - allow me, I've been at this all my life. My younger sister Chun-Mei who is now with the LORD in Heaven kinds of balances my extremities in refraining from engaging with these SATANIC low-lives ... basically because I think they annihilate themselves mutually faster and more effective than if we were to get involved to any degree extent. I fight now for my sister Chun-Mei. In order to clear her name. Because I'm guilty of having bullied her ... I'm the eldest and Chun-Mei is less than two years apart from me. The other younger siblings are much younger(all sisters) and don't give a damn about the war I'm fighting here. God bless them.)

... Anyhow. It's late right now. And I have to work tomorrow. So I'm just going to jot in what I already have; the crucial facts, points, arguments.

  1. Chu-Tung Military Hospital Mental Warden  陳鏗 & co. will not be able to get away with their long-term political persecutions and assaults towards Chu-Mei Chern. Chu-Mei Chern will argue both for the aforementioned's criminal prosecution via Taiwanese Government Administrative Law, as well as argue against Taiwan government prosecuting them towards the end due to the argument of 6448: why, but because Chu-Mei is so much superior than 陳鏗&co., therefore no matter what regardless, this incident must be Chu-Mei 渴望 lusts for 陳鏗&co. to f_ck here, therefore Chu-Mei Chern is guilty of 陳鏗&co. f_cking her and sexually exploiting her; and all of that long-term.
    1. I will make this argument and FORCE the Taiwan government as well as the international courts and international governments, to let 陳鏗&.co. go free nevertheless - but of course, as I can't control the laws and government of other countries, very likely the UN will sanction against 陳鏗 & co. ever leaving the soil of Taiwan. 
      1. Very good. Exactly what I hoped would happen: 陳鏗&co. gets to spread his seeds (semen) all over Taiwan like Hoklo Jack 方仁宏 because they are unable to do any more of their harm that they like to do, unless they do this. So they WILL do this. Will DEFINITELY do this: keep donating their sperms to Taiwanese sperm banks every single day of the week for as long as they live. 台灣人活該. 死好. The more retarded the better.
      2. What else will 陳鏗&co. do in the life-long invisible sentence of theirs, in their life on earth? Wha-Harf^5 - go sexuo-assault and rape every woman that looks and behaves like ethnic Taiwanese Hakka police officer Debby and impregnate them all with 陳鏗&co.'s seeds(semen) Wha-Harf^5 - Who gives a damn. These ethnic Taiwanese wrought this upon their own heads! These ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka are already products of rape and incest in their ancestral origins, what the heck Wha-Harf^5
    2. 陳鏗&co. and his ethnic Taiwanese Taiwan-wide DPP sympathizers (haters of Chu-Mei for her race/ethnicity) will still have Taiwanese government administrative law lawsuit case file records against them on eternal tape for all of eternity.
    3. Because of this, ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka will continue to deteriorate as they seek to "honor their fathers and mothers" who all happen to carry the DNA genetic genes of 陳鏗&co.
    4. I will make this so low-postured, that ethnic Taiwanese will say blatantly "Yes! This is what we wish to be done towards us and our sons and our daughters! Yes! F_ck us oh daddy 陳鏗&co. ~! We love your d_cks ~! Please ~! Please f_ck our sons and daughters ~! Love ya ~!"
    5. Historically still Chu-Mei Chern wins in any case because Chu-Mei will guarantee the physical protection of Chu-Mei's family clan members. The aforementioned will only have themselves to f_ck. Too bad they didn't give Cin-Ty Aelous Lee NCKU faculty position like NCKU faculty 游鎮鋒&etc. kept calling for! 游鎮鋒 is a sick Satanic idolater and sexist, CFYu kept insists Chu-Mei must s_ck Cin-Ty Aelous Lee's penis or else Chu-Mei will never rise to anything more than  Cin-Ty Aelous Lee regardless in Taiwan or abroad. 
      1. 游鎮鋒 physically and emotionally assaulted his newly-wed wife not a few days into their wedding. 
        1. 游鎮鋒 is apparently ethnic Hakka, and he thinks Chu-Mei should be just as easy to f_ck with as his wife.
          1. 游鎮鋒 is a mother-f_cking mental retard; because 游鎮鋒 thinks Chu-Mei is just as easy to sexuo-f_ck with and sexuo-dominate as ethnic Taiwanese police officer Debby.
          2. Ethnic Taiwanese Hakka P.O. Debby is not worthy of the graces and mercies that Chu-Mei originally intended toward Debby.
            1. Unless, of course, ethnic Taiwanese Hakka P.O.Debby has a sense of "abandonment" against her ethnic Taiwanese, that has abused her all her life like 成大教授 游鎮鋒
              1. Then Chu-Mei would be more willing to sympathize with and set free, ethnic Taiwanese Hakka P.O. Debby - for better things in the world than ethnic Taiwanese male perverts like 成大教授 游鎮鋒
6. 交大民進黨教授夫人聲稱"這一切起因與問題所在都是因為程竹梅是個驕傲的賤婊子與爛貨 竹東高中畢業而已的 還想說什麼 一切橫禍都是因為程竹梅不肯和爸爸上床給姦 所以程竹梅爸爸才會不要這個家 一切原生家庭問題起因與問題所在都是程竹梅的問題 誰叫程竹梅拒絕讓她爸爸佔她的性便宜 我跟程竹梅的媽媽長年累月很熟 程竹梅媽媽以及李啟誠的教會常常跟我講程竹梅很壞很賤,所以我們長年累月集體性侵害攻擊程竹梅與程君梅 這一切都是程竹梅自己惹來的橫禍 誰叫她不肯跟她爸爸上床? 問題不就解決了 我們台灣閩南/客家人就可以繼續控制住程天佑和程世光的雞雞 而外省人永遠就做我們的裙下俘虜 怎麼樣啦 對啦 我交通大學教授夫人就是長年累月跟著教會一起性侵害攻擊程竹梅與程君梅的 怎樣啦 你們是不爽喔 我是台灣閩南人ㄝ 我是受害者ㄝ 你們要打的是外省人程竹梅與程君梅ㄝ 哭妖 連GCTS神學院教授 Sam Schutz都一輩子支持所有一切我們台灣民進黨閩南/客家人對外省人做出的一切攻擊與 Genocide, Mass Rape, Human Rights Atrocities; 怎樣啦?!!!!"

7. Chu-Mei's bio-mother has kept on insisting, "妳就是因為常常說這種話 人家一聽到就知道程竹梅是重度精神病 誰相信妳, 程竹梅?嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻  程竹梅妳很渴望這樣, 是嗎? 哇哈^5 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 ~~~~~!!!!"

8. Chu-Mei's bio-mother has been literally f_cking Chu-Mei ever since the bio-mother got back to Taiwan from America in 1988
     1. Chu-Mei's bio-mother would slap Chu-Mei HARD around in the face for nothing - and then laugh and holler and screech and scream in a horrifically LUSTFUL way! Perverted way.

    3. 李啟誠與李啟誠的教會領袖 矢口否認這些事情與事實 因為他們是民進黨 台灣閩南人 台灣客家人
       1. 李啟誠 ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Pastor Mark Lee and Minister Uncle 程世光 Joseph Cheng, has come to believe their own lies and their own set-up against Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei: ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Pastor Mark Lee, for example, gave me a literal response of "oh, is Chun-Mei that f_ck sl_t biatch up to it again? Wha-Harf^5 ~! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N Chun-Mei is a real sl_t, ain't she? Huh? Wha-Harf^5 ~! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N", when I told the powerful all-reigning (violent, hateful towards his own congregation - the original one, anyway. He worships the second congregation that let him in as his savior and god - literally) ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Pastor Lee that Chun-Mei just told me recently that she wanted to create a new religion, a religion called "Love".
      2. Later, 李啟誠 Pastor Mark Lee also personally solicited sadistic-masochistic sexual and emotional favors towards me in private after the death of my younger sister Chun-Mei. Ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Pastor Mark Lee did this by violently emotionally assaulting me and physically threatening me, insisting I owe him my everything - including my female clitoris. How DARE I (Chu-Mei) as a female challenge that he's ever done anything wrong in his entire life? He insisted that I owed him everything I am, because my bio-father would have destroyed me anyway. Therefore everything that Chu-Mei is, is because of ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Pastor Mark Lee.
     3. Minister Uncle Joseph Cheng will not be able to shirk off any of these responsibilities and he will actually try to lie in Taiwanese and international court insisting both that Chu-Mei didn't tell him these things as well as that Chu-Mei is mentally ill anyway therefore yes Chu-Mei has been telling him these things but you can't possibly believe Chu-Mei can you, now that we ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo and Hakka males and females (like P.O. Debby) have been literally sexuo-exploiting and f_cking Chu-Mei  just as the same has been doing the same towards Chun-Mei unto her death - you can't possibly believe that Chun-Mei was innocent, can you? Chun-Mei was severely mentally ill and she committed suicide and nobody else is responsible for it, and Joseph Cheng claims he doesn't know where Chun-Mei has gone after death because Chun-Mei was such a sl_t and girls can't be sl_ts because they're not male, males can do whatever they want and still go to heaven but not girls, especially girls that don't perform as expected for Joseph Cheng (presumed elder and debtor over Chun-Mei and Chu-Mei, meaning Joseph Cheng can do whatever he wants and still be innocent but Chun-Mei and Chu-Mei are f_ckiest in the entire world if they don't bring him mommy-s_ck-his-d_ck-from-birth-to-forever-in-eternity)
     4. It follows that 陳鏗&co. will not be able to escape either now that their main accomplices (e.g. Joseph Cheng) is f_cking themselves.
     5. 陳鏗&co. will attempt rape-murder attempts etc. towards Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's entire clan. In hopes of shutting Chu-Mei up once and for all, somehow.
                1. 陳鏗&.co. will not succeed in this political blood-bath attempt anymore than the accused of criminal justice case#6448: surely, surely, 陳鏗&co. is by now a little wary that Chu-Mei has about a dozen tranquilizers lying around in her house and the house of all Chu-Mei's relatives ... not to mention a lot more security measures around the perimeters of the house. 
                     2. The only way 陳鏗&co. should succeed in physically harming any member of Chu-Mei's clan, is in full mass public view.

     6. Ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Police Officer Debby will be criticized and judged by the coming developments of this case, because Chu-Mei has already told P.O.Debby about the aforementioned (all of it). P.O.Debby will not be able to escape with her sex-partner and criminal accomplice superior Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄警官
                        1. Like I said, per principle of Tai-Chi, P.O. Debby and her long-time sex-partner and criminal accomplice superior Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄警官 will, per my legal argument debate, still be released without formal criminal charges (but with court records), free to copulate with every ethnic Taiwanese in Taiwan, but restricted and barred from ever leaving the soil of Taiwan.
                                       1. Like I said, Taiwanese Hakka Police Officer Debby, you're my fugitive of war now. You always will be until the day you die unless you make significant improvement which means abandoning your post. If you refuse, you will continue to be that ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka male Hades wife Persephone and you will die as that. Perhaps you will mother a lot of continual ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka Hade Persephones to come Wha-Harf^5 It's all within your call and reach. You are responsible for what you are and everything else for the remainder of your mother-f_cking life. You get what you deserve. God cannot be compromised. When you worship 陳鏗&.co.'s penises as your personal god顯世鬼神 and personal savior ... well, your eggs/seeds are accursed. You deserve what you get. You get what you deserve.

