2014年7月29日 星期二

有一個長年累月凌虐外省俏麗瑞智老婆的台灣民進黨閩南男 他最近在否認殺死我大妹的證據 企圖湮滅證人(像我叔父程世光與生母四十年以來一貫手法 一模一樣) 並且聲稱藉口程竹梅重精神病弱智女 頻頻拉程竹梅與其上床 要不就是四處嚷嚷聲稱要隨便找個台灣閩南/客家民進黨男把程竹梅強制嫁人性交生小孩 聲稱這樣就可幫程竹梅生父幹掉程竹梅 從此以後跟他做生意就好了 幫生父幹掉程竹梅 為的就是要在台灣與全世界撒旦魔鬼王國當中爬升 好幹掉自己的糟糠外省妻 想娶像黛比警員一樣俏麗的半齡台灣妻 像程世光一樣 並且連手程竹梅生父與叔父幹掉程竹梅生母

This will come into play right now with the Taiwanese government trying to f_ck Chu-Mei in behalf of the recent ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo male police officer that wasn't able to sexually exploit Chu-Mei nasty (sexuo-sadistic violence in the name that Chu-Mei envoked his violent sexual rape reaction to begin with, therefore that he is in fact victimized by Chu-Mei, thereby rationalizing for and legitimating brutal hate-gang-rape to finish off Chu-Mei. Either that or he commits suicide just like ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Mental Warden pig-eight-principles @Chu-Tung Provincial Hospital)

What says Chu-Mei (and Chun-Mei)? You've gotta be f_cking us, you mother-f_cking mental retard. Quick. Be a good ethnic Taiwanese boy and copulate and have children (a.k.a. offspring) just like yourself to be mentally retarded slaves beneath all the rest of us.

Or else what good are you in this game of yours&associates? You mother f_cking mental retard idiot.

Oh well. That just means you're on the level of JSGoreva and DSBurnett&Associates. Which means you and your descendants will continue to copulate and procreate with the same (which means also GCTS Sam Schutz's physical descendants).

Who gives a mother f_cking damn about you guys. You mother f_cking mental retards. Which just means my minister uncle wishes you were capable of mauling Chu-Mei down to genetically procreate with you. Minister Uncle is very upset that his Satanic gods (i.e. a.k.a. ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka, Taoists who believe their penis/clitoris means everything in the world to GCTS Sam Schutz - and they're absolutely right about that!) ... have been unable to maul Chu-Mei down with you to your lair like Hades mauled Persephone down to Hell as his eternal wife.

That is the only thing Minister Uncle has ever cared for about Chu-Mei (and Chun-Mei): how to f_ck them nasty, how to finish them off, how to curse them and finish them off using all the Satanic powers of Minister Uncle 程世光.

Now plenty of ethnic Taiwanese DPP government officials are going to sit for this just as much as 程世光. They will because they also recently helped Minister Uncle's elder sister Janis Duoen Su 程多恩 to f_ck Chu-Mei.

Boy have they miscalculated. Too bad the only thing they procreate in Taiwan is themselves Wha-Harf^5 Throughout all generations to come - only good for annihilating just like the fallen angel hybrids in the land of Canaan. Yes. That includes GCTS Sam Schutz's physical descendants.

God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Those that sow to the Devil and to this world, like Minister Uncle 程世光 and his elder sister Janis Duoen Su 程多恩,  get what they deserve. God is not bunged (informal slang http://www.thefreedictionary.com/bunged) by these sons and daughters of Satan.

And nor is God's arms too short or God's power too little, to destroy innocent Chu-Mei's and Chun-Mei's enemies in this world. 這些撒旦魔鬼的台灣兒女 (a.k.a. i.e. "台灣之子"="撒旦魔鬼之子") 活該 千活萬該

在你們那一邊是撒旦魔鬼和程世光,程多恩&撒旦教徒猶太愛人,程竹梅生母,竹北婦幼隊警官葉志雄&長年累月性交上床玩各種性遊戲的情婦客家黛比警員 但在程竹梅這一邊的 是上帝審判者的靈! 而上帝絕沒有要程竹梅屈服於程世光&co.性侵害的淫威底下!

On your side(s) is the arm of flesh. On Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei's side is the mighty arm of los Eternos Yahweh耶和華是祂永遠所當稱訟的名!

