In any case their criminal motives are self-contained and self-masturbating. You don't have to do anything and they go boast to the entire world "Hee-hee-hee-hee we f_ck Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei no have any power to f_ck us back, this prove our political domination and power and control over Chu-Mei and over the Taiwan(ese) region Hee-hee-hee - i.e. a.k.a. this mean we win (still)! Hee-hee-hee, this mean Chu-Mei must s_ck our dick and suffer us in Taiwan and in the entire world or else not be able to work nor do anything, and be seen as mental invalid therefore good to sexuo-f_ck with hee-hee-hee; this mean Chu-Mei she clitoris be controlled by us like a horse with a bridle in their mouths no can go anywhere without our f_cking Chu-Mei Hee-hee-hee"
Very laughable.
That's P.O.Debby&co., Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung, other involved criminal Taiwanese and NCKU, ADSmith, Al Brandon, Cin-TyAelousLee, BillLeeman, JerryDickens, JSGoreva& DSBurnett& Associates, PDAsimow, EMStolper, JMEiler etc.'s self-masturbative criminal self-containment Wha-Harf^5
In other words their lies and black-smear contain&control no-one except themselves in this world Wha-Harf^5
我這樣六個月 每天三更半夜心中都在深沉地吶喊:"上帝取我的性命吧! 接我走! 我真的再也不想這樣繼續被折磨下去! Kill me Lord!!!!!!! Take my life! My life is no longer worth living!!!!!! I have nothing left to fight for! I have nothing left to live for! Have mercy on me O Lord - take me to be with you NOW!!!!!!!"
And of course 然後當然這此期間我會偶爾打電話到竹北婦幼隊找黛比警員 被她用完全不在乎而且更冷血的方式臭罵與咒詛(我26DEC2012被送進急救的時候已經在兩鐘頭內打電話給她 她當時在辦公室 早就告知她我的車禍狀況 要全身麻醉 恐有喪命的危險 以後也不知道能不能走路 甚至是否截肢)
Revelation 啟 示 錄 6:9-11開第五印The Fifth Seal: Martyrs揭 開 第 五 印 的 時 候 , 我 看 見 在 祭 壇 底 下 有 為 神 的 道 並 作 見 證 被 殺 之 人 的 靈 魂 , When
the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of
those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the
testimony which they had maintained; 10 大 聲 喊 著 說 : 「 聖 潔 真 實 的 主 啊 ! 你 不 審 判 住 在 地 上 的 人 給 我 們 申 流 血 的 冤 , 要 等 到 幾 時 呢 ? 」 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How
long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging
our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"11 於 是 有 白 衣 賜 給 他 們 各 人 , 又 有 話 對 他 們 說 , 還 要 安 息 片 時 , 等 著 一 同 做 僕 人 的 和 他 們 的 弟 兄 也 像 他 們 被 殺 , 滿 足 了 數 目 。 And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told
that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of
their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as
they had been, would be completed also.
只要掌握住大方向 其他依太極戰略哲學原理 你必須讓這些人事物繼續按他們的軌道發展 let them define themselves and who they are in this world. Unless they're demonstrating inability to repent towards God. Then they're "It"(the monster that needs to be restrained via external force, as they are unable to practice self-restraint/self-control)
我昨天晚上到今天更進一步想到更多為什麼這綜合案件已逐漸趨向成熟要分出最後勝負時刻了 Moment of Final Truth after doing everything you can think of to resist the schemes and traps (attempt to trap you e.g. 徐欣如in the above) these sons and daughters of Satan the Devil and stick with what God taught you concerning how to deal with them i.e. use Tai-Chi philosophical method at all times to maximize you escaping their grasp & capture & entrapments & enslavements, and minimize their capability(ies) of undermining your forces against them (盡可能減低敵方對你打硬仗實力的各方面資源 包括你的力氣與腦力與戰鬥力: 也就是說不要像亂兵散兵那樣浪費力氣與敵軍徒然徒手搏鬥對侍 那只是浪費你的力氣罷了 在工地做久了 你會了解那是什麼意思 粗重的工作等著你去做 做不完 你要如何用更聰明省力的方法把更多事給處理掉/完成 那才是重點)
聖經說 "Do not be deceived. Only those who do good are from God. Those who do evil are not from God." (It's somewhere, but have to search it up. Closest verse right now is Galatians 6:7, and about how good tree cannot bear bad fruit and bad trees cannot bear good fruit)
Revelations 啟 示 錄 18:3-5 因 為 列 國 都 被 她 邪 淫 大 怒 的 酒 傾 倒 了 , 地 上 的 君 王 與 她 行 淫 , 地 上 的 客 商 因 她 奢 華 太 過 就 發 了 財 。 」 4 我 又 聽 見 從 天 上 有 聲 音 說 : 「 我 的 民 哪 , 你 們 要 從 那 城 出 來 , 免 得 與 她 一 同 有 罪 , 受 她 所 受 的 災 殃 。 5 因 她 的 罪 惡 滔 天 , 她 的 不 義 , 神 已 經 想 起 來 了 。 "For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her
immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality
with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth
of her sensuality." 4I
heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;5for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.
Jeremiah 耶 利 米 書 51:6-7 你 們 要 從 巴 比 倫 中 逃 奔 , 各 救 自 己 的 性 命 ! 不 要 陷 在 他 的 罪 孽 中 一 同 滅 亡 ; 因 為 這 是 耶 和 華 報 仇 的 時 候 , 他 必 向 巴 比 倫 施 行 報 應 。7巴 比 倫 素 來 是 耶 和 華 手 中 的 金 杯 , 使 天 下 沉 醉 ; 萬 國 喝 了 他 的 酒 就 顛 狂 了 。 Flee from the midst of Babylon, And each of you save
his life! Do not be destroyed in her punishment, For this is the LORD'S
time of vengeance; He is going to render recompense to her.7Babylon
has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, Intoxicating all the
earth. The nations have drunk of her wine; Therefore the nations are
going mad. Jeremiah 耶 利 米 書 51:45-48我 的 民 哪 , 你 們 要 從 其 中 出 去 ! 各 人 拯 救 自 己 , 躲 避 耶 和 華 的 烈 怒 。46你 們 不 要 心 驚 膽 怯 , 也 不 要 因 境 內 所 聽 見 的 風 聲 懼 怕 ; 因 為 這 年 有 風 聲 傳 來 ; 那 年 也 有 風 聲 傳 來 , 境 內 有 強 暴 的 事 , 官 長 攻 擊 官 長 。 47日 子 將 到 , 我 必 刑 罰 巴 比 倫 雕 刻 的 偶 像 。 他 全 地 必 然 抱 愧 ; 他 被 殺 的 人 必 在 其 中 仆 倒 。 48那 時 , 天 地 和 其 中 所 有 的 , 必 因 巴 比 倫 歡 呼 , 因 為 行 毀 滅 的 要 從 北 方 來 到 他 那 裡 。 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。
“Come forth from her midst, My people,
And each of you save yourselves
From the fierce anger of the LORD. 46“Now so that your heart does not grow faint,
And you are not afraid at the report that will be heard in the land—
For the report will come one year,
And after that another report in another year,
And violence will be in the land
With ruler against ruler— 47Therefore behold, days are coming
When I will punish the idols of Babylon;
And her whole land will be put to shame
And all her slain will fall in her midst. 48“Then heaven and earth and all that is in them
Will shout for joy over Babylon,
For the destroyers will come to her from the north,”
Declares the LORD.
2 Corinthians 歌 林 多 後 書 6:16-18神
的 殿 和 偶 像 有 甚 麼 相 同 呢 ? 因 為 我 們 是 永 生 神 的 殿 , 就 如 神 曾 說 : 我 要 在 他 們 中 間
居 住 , 在 他 們 中 間 來 往 ; 我 要 作 他 們 的 神 ; 他 們 要 作 我 的 子 民 。17又 說 : 你 們 務 要 從 他 們 中 間 出 來 , 與 他 們 分 別 ; 不 要 沾 不 潔 淨 的 物 , 我 就 收 納 你 們 。18我 要 作 你 們 的 父 ; 你 們 要 作 我 的 兒 女 。 這 是 全 能 的 主 說 的 。Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the
temple of the living God; just as God said, "I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND
TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you.18"And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me," Says the Lord Almighty.
些都是 - 我今天像平日一樣 常常思考這個整體綜合案件的戰勢 (this is like battle strategy planning
out in the combat fields, you think about it everyday, you think hard,
you think hard to win, you analyze and consider the crucial
determinative points, facts and strategy of how to win this battle and
war for the Lord)
我在坐車的時候沒寫下我的Eureka領悟體會 但一個鐘頭回到租處之前我趕緊寫了下來:
"Also a matter of secrecy 埋伏 for the(my) 'kill': ..."
因為我要防堵惟一另外一種局勢: 就是如果我太驕傲以致於沒學會耶穌基督恩典與審判的雙向功課 我可能還是很驕傲的姊姊 我會因為我的驕傲(think that stooping this low in order to save my sister Chun-Mei is way too beneath me)會讓葉志雄得逞
會看起來葉志雄對程竹梅攻擊的謊言是真的樣子 (人民觀感的問題)
不得了了 葉志雄和撒旦教就得逞了 就看起來為是(these Satanists would then be seen as true and honorable)
Also, I hold my case that she only
got pregnant after I started to post love letters to her on the public
internet. This happened the last time with another young woman nicknamed
Koala Bear.
called up her original post this morning and got mocked by the person
answering the phone. Insisting that Debby has a good relationship with
her husband so of course he's taking care of her (yeah? Last time he
boozed Debby up on narcotic drugs so that she went to the office with
her hair looking like it was waxed up like lightening struck and she
wasn't even home in her body. You were all witnesses to that and you
continued to stick her up like that. I suspect these Taiwanese police
officers are bought over to support certain comrades' otherwise terrible
love lives!)
finally forced myself to try calling her up at her original post
because I recently found on the internet a lot of government propaganda
with Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung signed with Police Officer Debby's name. And a
full picture of her too. (What's she been doing over the past few months
of pregnancy; sleeping with Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung all the whole while, while
her husband slept with other women)
more but like I said, this is like Debby toasting herself so that she
can't witness properly ... unless against me (sigh, this is even more
terrible than what went on with JSGoreva)
well. These people are just testing whether God is what he says he is,
that's all. Just like the rest of the involved criminals.
other words I represent God's side, and Debby she apparently goes out
of her way to represent her father the Devil's side of the story.
guarantee that God always wins. No matter how you f_ck yourself up in
attempt to f_ck God (Chu-Mei representing that part of God that Debby
wishes were non-existent; she can't live with it, so she tries to f_ck
Chu-Mei. Same thing with obsessive JSGoreva: JSGoreva hates God and
would like to f_ck every last innocent nice young promising girl that
even so much as give hint of belonging to God. JSGoreva hates God so
much JSGoreva f_cks them all, and gives her loyalty and adoration and
worship to Satan/Devil whom JSGoreva calls "intelligent聰明" "savvy切實際,實在"
That is why P.O. Debby below looks
as horrific as she does. She's a retarded Taiwanese Hakka slave-girl
giving birth to a very evil cultic hierarchy that only values her for
her bed performance (literally) and capability to bear heirs for the
males. Period. Nothing else. She's got nothing else.
thought she might of wanted more in life. But apparently she loves her
slavery to these demon-gods and is so retarded she keeps giving them
male heirs. Mother f_cking mental retard.
Debby is attracted to her husband for outward appearances and that
doesn't include real stature or real brains (instead she chooses
complete lack of it, as well as moreover genuine mentally ill persons
like her Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung) - as long as it is someone with a large sex
drive aimed at her, political DPP ethnic Hoklo/Hakka male with some form
of power in Taiwanese socio-politics and looks something to effect of
like this:
這是基本政治學與社會學與人類學的常識common sense knowledge, common knowledge -
而黛比警員這三年來一直想要把程竹梅幹掉的原因是 她第一次聽到真理 她把上帝耶穌基督當加害者 像陳水扁總統的情婦任秀妍律師一樣(well, Joyce Jen definitely needed the Hoklo sex-grooming that she got before meeting her Hoklo DPP husband Wha-Harf^5)
And that's according to the Bible(Torah). "Spare the rod, spoil your son". "He that loves his son is careful to discipline him". You're a bad example for your newborn, P.O.Debby. The both of you - you and your mentally retarded, vengeful and severely and dangerously mentally ill husband.
Q: 竹北婦幼隊 has lost roughly 98% of its effectiveness and efficiency since Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄 took over as Squad Commander 組長..
How does a Squad Commander lose 98% of a police agency's effectiveness/efficiency and still have a job? And
after losing that much effectiveness/efficiency, why would anyone still support him?
A: Because P.O. Debby&Associates needs his corruption in order to survive in Taiwan's competitive job market.
They're only open from eight-ish A.M. (Debby always only shows up from eight-thirty) to twenty o'clock P.M., Taipei Time. (Which is UTC +8:00)
Only problem is, they only understand and speak Mandarin Chinese (Beijing Dialect. The Majority of the young ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka can't speak nor understand their own ethnic dialects. They all speak Beijing Dialect now, which is standard Mandarin Chinese. Even though this police office is 100% DPP ethnic Hoklo/Hakka political party who all WILL die for independence away from Mainland China - hah-hah what irony, they're too retarded to learn their own ethnic dialects, and even worse with English, let alone any other language in the rest of the world. Fact is, they have enough trouble learning basic Mandarin Chinese already given their average ethnic Taiwanese IQ levels, due to extensive inter-copulation, even foreign import genetic mixing haven't helped them much Wha-Harf^5).
Even though they now probably have improved efficiency by tape-recording incoming calls (including phone number of origin - doesn't matter if you hide it on your cell phone, they have access to it as police authority in Taiwan, or collaborating with other country governments) ... which I haven't verified by asking them directly.
Last time about last year this time, I asked to recall my former telephone calls. They told me they didn't record anything. Maybe they were lying. They do that all the time - lie to the people.
Well - leave me out of this, cause' I'm not interested. Wha-Harf^5
Unless P.O.Debby decides to repent from her daddy Satan the Devil, of course.
And of course P.O.Debby also has the option of calling me daddy.
Otherwise she's going to have to resort to the aforementioned daddies of asiatic Head-Devils. Which 鄒本鑾 is very excited about - excited about his penis calling a lot of ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka "daddy", because he's bi-sexual, and his religion is a bi-sexual Taoist cult of copulation as the only form of salvation on the face of this earth. Which means his brain is the same as the other involved criminal ethnic Taiwanese false "doctors", whose brains are the same as Texas Rice U. Cin-Ty Aelous Lee and his Associates (Bill Leeman, Alan David Smith of Durham U. UK, Al Brandon of NASA, satanic Jew Jerry Dickens who sleeps with and brain-washes his blonde Caucasian female students in the exact precise same way that Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung sleeps with and brain-wash-controls his sexy female police officer "Unders").
P.O.Debby you mother f_cking mental retard. Your husband is only one zillioneth of your brain. Why did you copulate with him and wish to carry his child into this world? You mother f_cking mental retard.
In other words, Debby&co. have been doing all these things and will continue doing all these things because they "have no feelings for Chu-Mei/Chun-Mei" (hardly justifiable but that's the way ethnic Taiwanese and Taiwanese government is) -
There's a clip from "Allo Allo" where Herr Flick tells Helga to strip, but comes out in the same sexy underwear saying "I have no feelings for you!"
Can't find the clip now, but it's somewhere in the series. It's on youtube, I browsed across it before.
In fact, that's exactly what I'll do. I'll then re-post the same two posts later when I know some of my western viewers and readers would be looking at my blog-site. Suits PO Debby well. The sl_t. And why should I upset myself on the entire case just because her boss and lover Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung hopes to f_ck me up by having been in bed with her continuously up to now (having lied to me saying she's been alleviated of duty from Hsin-Chu and gone to Tai-Chung almost six months ago) -
That is exactly precisely what Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung hopes to f_ck me with.
I ain't fallin for his tactics - Chu-Mei ain't getting on bed with Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung like PO Debby for fear of being unable to survive without Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's intrusion into her life and absolute control over her clitoris. The retard. She deserves whatever's coming for her in the rest of her life. Her physical descendants are accursed and doomed by the same - a.k.a. her lover Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and his physical descendants. They'll be f_cking each other forever and it's obvious Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's physical descendants are going to f_ck PO Debby's physical descendants torturing and tormenting them unto the literal death. Serves PO Debby right! For her worship and idolatry of Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung! That son of the Devil which Chu-Mei Chern's physical and spiritual descendants will absolutely snuff out from the face of this earth!
Internet Explorer relays all your browsing information back to Microsoft, and Microsoft gives that to the government. (Chrome relays information back to Google, and Google gives your information to the government as well. In fact evidence points to extremely close cooperation between Google and the CIA from the beginning stages of Google and they're only increasing the amount of cooperation).
Use Firefox instead. It is the only public browser that actively does its best to keep your browsing information anonymous. Including your computer IP address location.
Obviously I'm supposed to be so scared and so intimidated under the past ten years of ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka socio-politico regimes (added onto that recent forceful harassment by the local police that I recently bumped into who's been threatening to throw me into prison for eight months and then further harassment+violence+exploitation from both mafia and government intelligence that Taiwanese call "The White Gloves 白道/白手套", meaning they're traceless and worse than the mafia); that I'm supposed to now finally start shutting up for a long time. (And not be capable of voicing anything against them for a long time until I have secured much more power than these mentally retarded + severely mentally psychopathic/sociopathic ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka).
The Central Intelligence Agency is now officially an Amazon Web Services cloud consumer.
Less than 10 months after a U.S. Court of Federal Claims judge ended a public battle
between AWS and IBM for the CIA’s commercial cloud contract valued at
up to $600 million, the AWS-built cloud for the intelligence community
went online last week for the first time, according to a source familiar
with the deal.
The cloud — best thought of as a public cloud computing environment
built on private premises — is yet far from its peak operational
capabilities when it will provide all 17 intelligence agencies
unprecedented access to an untold number of computers for various
on-demand computing, analytic, storage, collaboration and other
The timing aligns with public comments made
by CIA Chief Information Officer Douglas Wolfe in June, though neither
the CIA nor Amazon would confirm the cloud has come online.
“Our goal is to make the IC cloud’s commercial services available to
customers beginning in summer 2014, and we are on target to meet it,” a
CIA spokesperson told Nextgov. “The services will be available to all intelligence community agencies.”
領袖不好當 有句西方諺語說 "Leaders are not made. They are born." 聖經有時候也這樣講 就是你一出生那個時候 上帝就已經在你身上有命定以及預知,預知你的傾向與能力,能奈 你是何人 聖經舊約傳道書中寫到 上帝都已經透視!
而更重點是 上帝的愛就如同上帝的能力, 新約聖經羅馬書中寫到 "I am convinced that neither life nor death, angels nor demons ... can separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus" ... 我生父上次被人教唆蓋橡皮章把我抓去被台涉案民進黨閩南男醫師強暴的時候 已經喪失他對任何人事物的信心或愛心 因為生父不再能夠在程竹梅身上得逞 他就失去信心與愛心了 用盡各種手段 企圖把程竹梅給凌虐到真的變成重度精神病,回不來的那種 整天到晚心神喪失流口水的那種
1( 大 衛 的 詩 , 交 與 伶 長 。 ) 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 已 經 鑒 察 我 , 認 識 我 。 O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
2( 大 衛 的 詩 , 交 與 伶 長 。 ) 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 已 經 鑒 察 我 , 認 識 我 。 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
3我 行 路 , 我 躺 臥 , 你 都 細 察 ; 你 也 深 知 我 一 切 所 行 的 。 You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
4耶 和 華 啊 , 我 舌 頭 上 的 話 , 你 沒 有 一 句 不 知 道 的 。 Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O LORD, You know it all.
5你 在 我 前 後 環 繞 我 , 按 手 在 我 身 上 。 You have enclosed me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
6這 樣 的 知 識 奇 妙 , 是 我 不 能 測 的 , 至 高 , 是 我 不 能 及 的 。 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot attain to it.
7我 往 哪 裡 去 躲 避 你 的 靈 ? 我 往 哪 裡 逃 、 躲 避 你 的 面 ? Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8我 若 升 到 天 上 , 你 在 那 裡 ; 我 若 在 陰 間 下 榻 , 你 也 在 那 裡 。 If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.
9我 若 展 開 清 晨 的 翅 膀 , 飛 到 海 極 居 住 , If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
10就 是 在 那 裡 , 你 的 手 必 引 導 我 ; 你 的 右 手 也 必 扶 持 我 。 Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me.
11我 若 說 : 黑 暗 必 定 遮 蔽 我 , 我 周 圍 的 亮 光 必 成 為 黑 夜 ; If I say, “Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,”
12黑 暗 也 不 能 遮 蔽 我 , 使 你 不 見 , 黑 夜 卻 如 白 晝 發 亮 。 黑 暗 和 光 明 , 在 你 看 都 是 一 樣 。 Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You.
13我 的 肺 腑 是 你 所 造 的 ; 我 在 母 腹 中 , 你 已 覆 庇 我 。 For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
14我 要 稱 謝 你 , 因 我 受 造 , 奇 妙 可 畏 ; 你 的 作 為 奇 妙 , 這 是 我 心 深 知 道 的 。 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
15我 在 暗 中 受 造 , 在 地 的 深 處 被 聯 絡 ; 那 時 , 我 的 形 體 並 不 向 你 隱 藏 。 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;
16我 未 成 形 的 體 質 , 你 的 眼 早 已 看 見 了 ; 你 所 定 的 日 子 , 我 尚 未 度 一 日 ( 或 譯 : 我 被 造 的 肢 體 尚 未 有 其 一 ) , 你 都 寫 在 你 的 冊 上 了 。 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
17神 啊 , 你 的 意 念 向 我 何 等 寶 貴 ! 其 數 何 等 眾 多 ! How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18我 若 數 點 , 比 海 沙 更 多 ; 我 睡 醒 的 時 候 , 仍 和 你 同 在 。 If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.
19神 啊 , 你 必 要 殺 戮 惡 人 ; 所 以 , 你 們 好 流 人 血 的 , 離 開 我 去 罷 ! O that You would slay the wicked, O God;
Depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed.
20因 為 他 們 說 惡 言 頂 撞 你 ; 你 的 仇 敵 也 妄 稱 你 的 名 。 For they speak against You wickedly,
And Your enemies take Your name in vain.
21耶 和 華 啊 , 恨 惡 你 的 , 我 豈 不 恨 惡 他 們 麼 ? 攻 擊 你 的 , 我 豈 不 憎 嫌 他 們 麼 ? Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22我 切 切 地 恨 惡 他 們 , 以 他 們 為 仇 敵 。 I hate them with the utmost hatred;
They have become my enemies.
23神 啊 , 求 你 鑒 察 我 , 知 道 我 的 心 思 , 試 煉 我 , 知 道 我 的 意 念 , Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
24看 在 我 裡 面 有 甚 麼 惡 行 沒 有 , 引 導 我 走 永 生 的 道 路 。 And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
Matthew 馬太福音 18:18 我實在告訴你們:凡你們在地上所捆綁的,在天上也已經在你們上未開口禱告之前就已經遭到捆綁了;凡你們在地上所釋放的,在天上也已經在你們尚未開口禱告之前就已經獲得釋放了。 "Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in
heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in
上帝是輕慢不得的: 種瓜得瓜 種豆得豆 不論任何台灣或世界上的女生多麼爛賤(像成竹梅的客家生母 顛倒枉取強制按己私欲stemming from her psychopathic lust for pedophilia (which Taiwanese would like to deny to date, and think Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei must be hee-hee-hee mental and retard because they never had power to succeed in lifelong resistances against these Taiwanese) 所欲扭取上帝的)
絕對不絲毫妥協的耶和華上帝 Who do these ethnic Taiwanese mother f_cking mental retards think they're f_cking? Wha-Harf^5 Who gets to set the rules? 當然 因為這些台灣犯案者是屬於"Crime of Passion 未經太大思考或努力計畫犯案就順手出鹹豬腳的主義" 所以永遠 他們的子子嗣嗣也一樣 永遠不會這種高階思考模式 原因是台灣人的惰性使然 不會花這麼傷腦筋的力氣與精神想說要如何才能真的搞到程竹梅,程君梅
2 Corinthians 哥 林 多 後 書 4:7-10 Treasures in Jars of Clay 上帝的聖靈透過主耶穌基督在十字架上的救恩 內住在我們這泥土造的瓦人裡面 我們就領受了,承受與繼承上帝永生兒子的名分 我 們 有 這 寶 貝 放 在 瓦 器 裡 , 要 顯 明 這 莫 大 的 能 力 是 出 於 神 , 不 是 出 於 我 們 。8我 們 四 面 受 敵 , 卻 不 被 困 住 ; 心 裡 作 難 , 卻 不 至 失 望 ;9遭 逼 迫 , 卻 不 被 丟 棄 ; 打 倒 了 , 卻 不 至 死 亡 。10身 上 常 帶 著 耶 穌 的 死 , 使 耶 穌 的 生 也 顯 明 在 我 們 身 上 。But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing
greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;
8we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;
9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;
10always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
1 Timothy 提 摩 太 前 書 3:6初 入 教 的 不 可 作 監 督 , 恐 怕 他 自 高 自 大 , 就 落 在 魔 鬼 所 受 的 刑 罰 裡 。 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment (condemnation) as the devil.