這方面的歷史事實 被打壓 因為人喜歡自己做世界上的王! 但看門徒彼得怎麼反嗆禁止他們傳耶穌基督 真 神 耶和華道理的: "聽從人還是聽從(真) 神 你們自己看著辦好了! 我們必要聽從 上帝的指示! Whether it is right to obey men or to obey God, you decide! But we must obey God!"
Acts 使 徒 行 傳 5:28-30 The Apostles Before the Council 彼得向官長分訴 …28「我們不是嚴嚴地禁止你們,不可奉這名教訓人嗎?你們倒把你們的道理充滿了耶路撒冷,想要叫這人的血歸到我們身上!」 29彼得和眾使徒回答說:「順從神不順從人,是應當的。30你們掛在木頭上殺害的耶穌,我們祖宗的神已經叫他復活。… 28saying,
"We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and
yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring
this man's blood upon us." 29But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.30"The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross.…
我現已過世的嬸嬸 生前常跟我講聖經的話說 "信是所望之事的實底 是未見之事的確據". Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance(conviction) about what we do not see. 信 就 是 所 望 之 事 的 實 底 , 是 未 見 之 事 的 確 據 。(Hebrews 希 伯 來 書 11:1)
聖經中上帝說道: For the Righteous will walk by Faith! (And not by sight 而不是憑眼見)
Hebrews 希 伯 來 書 10:38 只 是 義 人 ( 有 古 卷 : 我 的 義 人 ) 必 因 信 得 生 。 他 若 退 後 , 我 心 裡 就 不 喜 歡 他 。 BUT MY RIGHTEOUS ONE SHALL LIVE BY FAITH; AND IF HE SHRINKS BACK, MY SOUL HAS NO PLEASURE IN HIM. (And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.)
我若今天真的"愛"黛比警員這個很壞很不可愛的女生 (即便今天若程竹梅是對黛比警員有意交往的男生好了 這只是一個假定 為了說明與凸顯主題內容) 我就不會以聖經裡面明述明指的"肉體的慾望/今世的驕傲"繼續欺負,混亂黛比警員 也就是聖經說要避開的"淫亂之事(Avoid, FLEE Immorality)"(Because the desires of the flesh war against the desires of the Spirit of God who is in you!)
(這並不是說 有了上帝直存留到永恆生命啟示的道理之後 就從此以後不會再軟弱 身體或精神承受度上面累了的時候尤其是 所謂"Relapse" back into old habits, "old dog's habits die hard 狗的舊有惡習性很難去改變他")而是說"當受試探的時候 主必給我們開一條出路 叫我們得以忍受得住"
所以聖經教導我們基督徒要與世無爭 不要上撒旦的當 不要給撒旦這些世俗的族裔任何資訊! 這在世人眼中被看做"愚拙" (1 Corinthians 哥 林 多 前 書 3:19, 1:18, 1:23-24, 1:25 因 上帝 耶和華 神 的 愚 拙 總 比 人 智 慧 , 神 的 軟 弱 總 比 人 強 壯 。For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.)
我也要問 Edward Royce 同樣 我國 中華民國 國父 孫中山先生 在抗滿清政權期間 有一次逃到英國的時候被逮到的時候 問逮到他的旅社僕人說: "Who is your master - the British government, or God?" 說到這 那僕人就自動退讓了 不敢舉發! 這是歷史史實!
同樣我要問 Edward Royce: 西方侵略欺壓我們中國人已經不只美國創國年代的歷史了 請問 Edward Royce 你以為上帝都沒看見嗎?不會報應在你的子子孫孫身上嗎?像耶穌基督舉的拉撒路在亞伯拉罕懷抱中的真實故事(並且這就是耶穌喚醒的從死裡復活的拉撒路弟兄) 那個終其一身迫害拉撒路的富有偽善偽君子法利賽人在地獄裡面痛苦 呼喊亞伯拉罕說請派拉撒路回去警示其家族裡的人(也就是其他的法利賽人政治宗教合一領袖) 警示他們要怎麼行 才能避免到這個痛苦無淵無境永不得復身的地方!因此耶穌基督從父 神 上帝得到旨示 把拉撒路喚醒, 從死復活 而聖經怎麼記載? 聖經記載說那些法利賽人除了私下談論如何判耶穌基督死刑之外 還又馬上立刻增加了企圖謀殺剛從死裡復活的拉撒路!
請問 Edward Royce 如果我是你 我會立刻審視我自己家族裡當代與晚輩的罪懺! 我會惟恐得罪 耶和華 上帝 神!
Quote: "This hearing will come to order. I'm going to ask all members to take their seats. This hearing on the promise of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) ... Let me just say, it's been 35 years. */Yes, this was just about the time when Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅 was two years old up to now .../* And for that period of time, the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) has served as the legal framework governing the important relationship between the U.S. and the Republic of China/Taiwan. Since the act came into force in 1979, */Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅 was born on January 29, 1977/* there have been few other pieces of foreign policy legislation as consequential as the TRA. Indeed, it is the steadfast support of the U.S. Congress 美國國議會 that has helped Taiwan become what it is today - A thriving modern society that strongly supports human rights, */WTF?!!! Yea? Like towards "Wai-Seng-Ren 外省人" ethnic Mainland Chinese Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅?!!! F_CKING LOAD OF BS!!!!靠!幹!!! ㄌㄧㄣㄇ是背幹樵是不?幹ㄌㄧㄣ奶奶滴!!!!幹!幹!幹!幹!幹~~~~~~~!!!!!!!幹死ㄌㄧˋ!!!!!尻妖喔, ㄌㄧˋ?!!!!!!!!/* strongly supports rule of law */?F_CK?!!! Yeah? Like since when towards Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅 all her life in Taiwan?!!!/* and free markets - and it's democratic. */YOUR MOTHER-F_CKING BULLSH_T! NOT TOWARDS US ETHNIC MAINLAND CHINESE SECOND, THIRD GENERATION LEGAL CITIZENS, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE F_CK BULLSH_TTING YOU MOTHER-F_CKER?/* The purpose of today's hearin gis to consider whether the Administration is doing enough to fulfill the larger promise of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). */YOU'RE MOTHER-F_CKING SHAMELESS! 不要臉 AFTER ALL THE CUMULATIVE HISTORIC ATROCITIES AGAINST US ETHNIC MAINLAND CHINESE, YOU'RE "CONSIDERING WHETHER THE ADMINISTRATION IS DIONG ENOUGH TO FULLFILL THEIR PROMISE TO ETHNIC TAIWANESE HOKLO/HAKKA TO CONTINUE F_CKING ETHNIC MAINLAND CHINESE ALL THE WAY IN HISTORY UNTIL UNTO TORTUROUS (ABUSIVE, MOLESTATIVE, MOLESTATION BY FORCE AND EVIL OPPRESSIVE AND UNEQUAL LAWS AGAINST ETHNIC MAINLAND CHINESE AS A COMPETING RACE ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH WITH CAUCASIANS白種人ㄟ種族 IN GENERAL廣義白種人) DEATH!/* America's support for Taiwan */愛德懷螺絲你這個老奸!!!!幹!!!!!!!!!!!就知道你要講這句話 說你要支持台灣台獨閩南客家民進黨! 尻妖啦ㄌㄧˋ!!!!!!!!!!!!幹ㄌㄧ奶奶滴!!!!!!靠!!!!!!!/* And it is vital that we speak with ONE團結一致的 voice聲音, when it comes to our support for Taiwan. Strengthening the U.S. relationship with Taiwan is one of the Committee's top legislative priorities.*/說到重點囉! 哇哈^5 那我來帶領全台灣民眾嗆聲這些不念書又沒個說詞辦法的遊手好閒台灣大學生 哇哈^5/* .... */之後一小時半的美國國議會討論我沒時間一一打字打起來了 但 ... 後會有期!!!!! 等著瞧好了! 歷史上最大的滅族始作俑者美國當權的撒旦教骷髏會(傳自歐洲巴比倫前後的最古老的邪教政教權勢 也就是敵基督的權勢 是猶太人蓄意發揚光大的 上帝本來叫猶太人把這些拜撒旦教的所有知識與偶像和交鬼書籍都給滅了,燒掉 猶太人偏反叛上帝來拜撒旦教 台灣人要是與這些人苟同要幫忙繼續殘害中國人 那就是咒詛自己的父母祖先 依照程竹梅母親說詞 "聖經說咒詛自己父母的 都當立即處死她!!!!!!!!" 哇哈^5 台灣人來跟我母親嗆聲好了!!! 哇哈^5 我好做法律聲明說終於搜到相關證據可以證明我母親一輩子也受到台灣人的政治迫害! 幹你們恩將仇報的台灣人(台灣閩南/客家人)! 幹你們的迦勒底愛人your mother-f_cking Chaldean lovers! 願上帝把你們一同滅絕!!!!!!! 幹你們!幹!幹!幹!幹!幹你們阿母阿媽阿祖^N!!!!!!!!!!!)*/
我只再幹樵一下一個近期留言的美國年輕黃髮藍眼男 Chase W. Nelson - 3 days ago Quote:
30:40 "We bend over backwards to try not to upset the sensitivities of the Beijing regime. And frankly it irks me. Not that I don't wish to have good relations with Beijing. We should, but not at the expense of our relations with Taiwan, or not at the expense of our friendship with Taiwan."