其實證據力與證人從頭到尾都非常,非常充足 但我不像程君梅因為生母生賦予牧師叔父(假先知)搞老二惡鬥遊戲而過度自信 抓到一點點芋頭或蘿蔔就沾沾自喜到處炫燿秀給人看 要人的讚美與認同
如果我像程君梅這樣操盤戰局棋局 chess board/ board of battle ship, 這個綜合案件會很快就短命結束掉 原因是因為戰爭得勝 你必須要有策略 如孫子所說 有能力與資源征服敵人的時候 裝作或擺出一副懦弱無能的樣子 因為你的目的不是要對方知道你的兵力究竟有多少(這是白痴的做法 當敵人知道你的兵力與資源有多少以及性質的時候 敵人會馬上組織策略來把你的兵力與資源給斷命斷路掉 牧師叔父本身也會講"好的機會也會被妳弄成不好的情況"(I'm quoting out of context, he meant it as yet another false charge, insinuation, lame-blame, rationalization for f_cking you to death until you s_ck his d_ck, and then he f_cks you even worse, and unto death. That's basically his character, this description has defined his entire life record cognitive behavior, and even better than this, he continues to think that Chu-Mei doesn't see through his short-thrift tactics such as this - like he claims, Chu-Mei is born severely brain-damaged, mentally retarded, dangerously and violently insane, etc., poses a threat to society and to the world, therefore there is no restraint as to how far he goes in rationalizing for gang-bang f_cking Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei. That's his thing.))
尤其當很接近戰爭目標與最後戰局勝利的時候 (ESPECIALLY when this time, it REALLY COUNTS! REALLY SCORES!) 就更要謹慎! 出棋絕對不可以是隨性的! 否則會亂了國家,民族,家庭內部各種大小事! 這就是程竹梅: 走來始終如一! 深思熟慮 思考縝密 :-d