本人於此將會是第一位"中華民族民主共合黨"當中開始呈情案件訴願的人民百姓! 請見新的粉絲頁網站 ... https://www.facebook.com/pages/Imago-Dei-%E6%8C%89%E8%91%97%E4%B8%8A%E5%B8%9D%E7%9A%84%E5%BD%A2%E8%B1%A1%E8%80%8C%E9%80%A0%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%BA%E9%A1%9E/1438329493056901?ref=hl
我現在簡短寫一下初步回應與正式行政訴願; 並會配合本人YouTube網站做進一步說明與辯護! http://youtube.com/user/homer2797/videos, http://trentkay.pixnet.net/blog
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Okay, okay, I've been given only seven days' short notice by Taiwan's Hsin-Chu District Prosecutor Gao-Shan-Ru 新竹市地檢署高上茹檢察官 stating that she is revoking my legal probation and carrying on with criminal prosecution procedures in court since I hadn't been able to, over the past six months, pay up 1500USD immediately upfront for drunk driving violations (in which the only person injured was me getting crushed underneath a traffic-violating car whose late mid-aged female driver has abnormally low white blood cell levels and wouldn't let me cross first per my right of roadway passage, and furthermore intuitively just drove the gas pedal right over me after we collided and I fell onto the road immediately in front of her bumper. I ended up with a severely fractured right leg and fractured left arm, just nearly missing my neck and skull before her accompanying male passenger and employee grabbed the break stick and stopped the car less than one centimeter before back tires would have rolled over my neck and skull).
注意:本人並不知道, 也並不想要做任何猜測, 關於高上茹檢察官是否已被前兩例相關涉案之官員給"妥協",拉到他們那一邊謊控的騙詞去! 本人只單單就目前高上茹檢察官給我發的撤緩公文,做出應對進退之策略與表態!
Okay heading back to subject and moving on ... Hey wait a minute. I think Prosecutor Gao-Shan-Ru is missing something. I've already digressed on this already on paper on October 21, one full week before this original jurisdiction and penalty was due. You'd be violating Government Administrative Law as well as Constitutional Law, to be carrying on like none of that was relevant. I have very little time here, I've been working my head off actually for the past six months but unfortunately the international and domestic business markets are not doing so well lately and moreover in light of Prosecutor Gao-Shan-Ru's refusal to negotiate with me on terms of this present drunk driving case ... I too then decide I should press harder against this case in protest against violations of Government Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. You're going to get one hell of a lot harder of a case out of me now than was before, because your response to me indicates that you appear to be buying into prior involved Taiwanese perpetrating doctors' criminal lies against me, in order to rationalize for apparent complete disregard for my human rights and denying me my right to law and justice 嚴重侮蔑與觸犯了本人申張法律權益和法律正義的權力!
In other words, herein I present a preliminary (but nevertheless already comprehensive 麻雀雖小 五臟俱全) "short version response to last Wednesday's Taiwan Government formal government-documented threats of revocation of legal probation, and pressing further (criminal) charges against me"; to be updated within one day's time! (Obviously I am not going onto the public stage with only this much in my arsenal and defense weaponry...)
... What else does it look like here? I'm ambushed. I'm surrounded. My original plan A has been compromised (sadly) ... like when the US Navy SEALS unit who was accidentally compromised http://youtu.be/OPyQpTNSReE http://youtu.be/rLHU-_OhT8g
In times like this, per international terms and principle rules (a.k.a. the rule and law of "reciprocity 公平正義法則,基本定律與原則") of "war and peace 戰爭與和平", my taking the offensive now is the best defense and exit strategy. Rather than being forced to submit to slavery on their terms on my knees, I would rather take the chance of dying fighting standing on my own two feet! And anyhow what I am doing now is waving the white surrender flag so as to cancel any further attacks from the enemy front-lines. Historically and anthropologically in terms of international peace treaties, the enemies I'm apparently fighting against cannot proceed any further than they already have. Or they risk war and annihilation, their blood upon their own heads.
To these enemies (for they are also fierce enemies against God, which I will digress further in terms of their cultic pan-deistic 泛神論,多神論,鬼神論 Taoist occult roots (一貫)道教邪淫邪政與台灣社會文化, socio-politico kingdom empire roots, in the longer version of response that I am being demanded of by the Taiwan government - within one day's time now before I must submit my full version of response to threats of probation removal and new charges being pressed against me in court); I reaffirm what I've been stating, demonstrating and protesting all my life and especially over the past decade: "很抱歉, 我不能愛你(們) I'm sorry, I cannot love you guys". Where long-term hidden secret (隱而未現的事) heinous atrocious crime and criminal justice, socio-politico justice is way long since over-due, per the principle moral socio-politico law of "reciprocity 公平正義法則,基本定律與原則", the only "love" you'll get is conviction, punishment, and no sleep for your eyes for until you acknowledge your crimes and sins before God like Nebuchadnezzar 尼佈甲撒王 after he was driven from the comforts of his throne and palace.
Last but not least, I will re-open my YouTube website reading of 文天祥 正氣歌 (Wen Tianxiang Elegy)! And Tienanmen Square Massacre Lament.
壹, 竹東署立醫院, 竹東榮民醫院之行政處份無效論
一, "犯法, 犯罪, 罪責 Crime, Sin"是一種"債權人 Debt"的觀念 這個債權人就是政府 也就是說"更高行政命令或處決/行政處份效力" 當一個個案的記錄上有著"更大債權人"或"更高行政處份效力"存在 而尚未被撤銷以前 沒有任何人可以做出與此"更高行政處份效力"相違背的任何行政處份 否則就是觸犯了"行政程序法 Government Administrative Law", 也是更進一步嚴重觸犯了憲法. 此既形成獨裁專治統治政府的顯然表現與顯然可能疑慮! 此既構成了"政府犯法", "政府觸犯了行政法與憲法", "政府非法 Lawless State"!
二, 因此當竹東署立醫院, 竹東榮民醫院判定本人為"永久性不可治癒 會時而再繼續復發的重度精神疾病患者" 並對本人明言又明確公文聲稱對本人(程竹梅(又名程英傑))施行"褫奪公權力", "禁治產" ("不准(在台灣)工作", "不准離家門一步", "否則抓到的話再把程竹梅抓來關(並繼續加以猥褻和性暴力以及各種虐囚手段 聲稱反正精神病沒有人權可言 皆合理化聲稱一切是為'專業醫療行為')")
貳, 要求台灣高等法院檢察署"撤銷'竹市地檢署101年撤緩字336號'之行政處份" 或"停止執行'竹市地檢署101年撤緩字336號'之行政處份"
參, 本人正式聲明:
一, 請求台灣以及國內外人權護權人士 自本文訊息公佈在公開網路上開始 在本人臉書上以及YouTube網頁上按"贊"表示支持
二, 本人正式聲明上訴此案所有相關議題 到聯合國國際法庭上面去 基因於本人十年來頻受到涉案醫師之人身安危相關之嚴重恐嚇以及相關無故強制施行"褫奪公權力", "禁治產" 本人任何抗議聲皆被當做"精神病發作" "因此不要聽程竹梅講的 只是精神病發作而已" 並且把持續之猥褻暴力侵害之政府行政言行舉止 強辯聲稱是"專業醫療行為" "若不服就是精神病發作而已 別無其他 誰敢跟我們醫師,護維之法官,警官等等說反話?"
三, 此其實為 湮滅證據 企圖湮滅證人 檢警法官串供串證 滅供 並且顯然有嚴重逃亡之可能
四, 因此本人要求台灣法務部高等檢察署 將涉案以及串供護維相關之政府官員和行政人員羈押 速速開庭聽審和主動偵察!
1) 又 涉案相關之醫師以及涉案之社會人士 已經長期嚴重違反了醫師的職業道德宣誓(Hypodatic Oath "發過職業宣誓'不傷生'" to do no harm to the sanctity of human life), 因此強烈聲請國內外人士把所有的涉案相關醫師的醫師執照給永久駐銷 像真實台灣警案"玫瑰瞳鈴眼 禁固的愛第十集"記錄影片當中所呈現的"陳鏗"不肖醫師的人格狀態以及醫德淪喪 實與英國泯無人性的外科高技術殺手"Jack the Ripper 開膛手傑克"公元1888年期間的橫行有過之而無不及! http://youtu.be/P_K9UTuUorg http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%96%8B%E8%86%9B%E6%89%8B%E5%82%91%E5%85%8B
2) 這些涉案醫師所反應的更是台灣長期以來的社會支持與常態 實則為逼死本人大妹程君梅的原兇 本人只是代大妹為役 為了要揭發這一切的過程皆為屬實 而並非涉案人士所長期聲稱的"誰要虐待程君梅呀 還不屑哩 那個賤娼妓 想得美啦~! 她自己精神病死掉的啦~! 死好~! 還想說911台灣大地震怎麼還沒遭天譴?!!!@#$%^&!!!"
五, 本人原想要籌備各方面資源提告"行政訴訟案件" 但眼見現實上 目前還沒存夠錢聘請行政法律師代為訴訟 又被涉案醫師恐嚇"不准在台灣工作 否則..." 在此其種之顯然"政治迫害"底下 本人法律救濟的資源準備方面 明顯慢很多 現在被逼不得不豁出去 狼狽之下 這已是本人最佳法律程序上面的反應與表態! 本人並無意願輕易破壞法制程序 Law 與公法正義 Justice! 但本人確又意揭發不法之政府 I do, however, have interests in exposing Lawless States!
肆, 馬英九總統, 前行政院長劉兆玄, 副總統吳敦義, 前衛生署長楊治良恐有嚴重涉案 這整體案件已折騰了十年了 證據力的問題罷了 依照聯合國的國際法, "有過對他人進行政治迫害行為的人 永不得受他國之政治護庇" 請聯合國參著本人已存的所有證據力 對這條國際法付諸實際行動!
因為本人這些以上聲明 已經聲明了十年了 很多跟本人一樣走過這同樣一條路的證人 (本人在此要求其他證人暫時保持靜默 因為之前這些證人也知道 出來說話的後果就是被慘遭嚴重之政治迫害 正如同本人現在出來十年所承受的 請這些證人暫時繼續保持靜默 ... 除非有安全管道存留證據證詞 ... 而本人出來十年證實並無此管道 ... 除非是從國外發行證詞和文宣 本人會協助這些過程 但還不到時候! 卻快了!
如同聖經所說"但那忍耐到底的 終必得救 But those who persevere to the end shall be saved"!)
伍, 本人這十年以來至今 在台灣的工作記錄顯示本人符合"低收入戶"之標準 又 近年來本人與警方有報案受到"家暴"的持續記錄(現在目前也持續有證人可出庭作證) 再加上母親已九年的心臟病近月嚴重惡化 已裝上五支心臟支架 又糖尿病,三高 2004十一月底已逝大妹程君梅的遺孤 現年小學六年級 託我家扶養 么妹又有一幼女 靠美甲業為生 經濟收入來源並不是那麼穩定 父親與不肖醫師一同涉案造假畏罪潛逃到國外 牧師叔父則是幫兇且合理化這些事(因此也涉此一連串之刑案和刑責!)
一, 本人在新竹縣社會處已做了家暴相關的記錄與協談 社工是我的證人
二, 在此情況底下 本人月薪只有22k(因為本人被兩家醫院的醫師長期恐嚇威脅"不准在台灣工作 否則...")
三, 兩家醫院的醫師皆有對本人做"莫須有人身安危恐嚇" 亦即 諸多恐嚇最後又加上"...(程竹梅妳煩不煩吶 誰會相信妳啦 妳還是吃咱雞的哱 否則...! S_ck my d_ck, or else~!!!) 反正我們就是不爽 到最後還是要把妳給喀喳掉 怎樣~ 妳沒證據 ~ 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~ 哇哈^5~!!!誰會相信妳~? 哇哈^5~! Who believes you? Nobody will ever believe you ~! Wha-Harf^5~!!!"
陸, Definition of "Sexual Exploitation" 在此(性)猥褻,性侵害,強制性暴力的法律以及基本社會道德定義(也就是"善良風俗文化之嚴重違反"的定義): any conduct or activity that is, in the sole opinion of myself(Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅(又名程英傑)), defamatory, indecent, obscene, offensive, threatening, abusive, hateful, tortuous or vocative of the rights of Chu-Mei Chern and/or any other person or entity to which Chu-Mei Chern is associated with.
柒, 這兩起台灣十三病房強制"公共危險罪 Charges of Public Endangerment" 從頭到尾 完全沒有"法律正當必要程序 Due Process"依歸! 並且基本上目前的酒駕案件與此相嚴重抵觸! 高檢察官又這樣逼程序 我被逼著非得出面表態,辯護自己的案件與立場不可,免得又繼續被當"默認"/"無行為能力 Mental Invalid"! 此乃台灣有關政府當局惡意 故意 蓄意主導案件成為政治議題 想要誤導大眾 把"Lack of Power 弱勢法律申張的權力被剝削與打壓Oppression/勢單力薄" 當成等同默認(以身自許)了"Lack of Will/Determination 自廂情願的(consent, consensual)"
一, 此該侮蔑人民 無非等同於用軍裝靴鞋腳踹人民的臉在泥土與雨水和血水當中的表現與表態和蓄意蹂躪 是沒有差別的! Boot-in-face treatment! You Gestapo! You Nazi Officers! http://youtu.be/IA5wwWAOAhE
捌, 高上茹檢察官還得釐清前兩"公共危險罪"偽案當中 諸多涉案醫師以及涉案之警方人員及警官 把人民當白癡 把"告訴乃論罪" 與"公訴罪"
完全相反處治與行政處份 故意混淆大眾視聽 (運用的是道教思想成功造成客觀上的混淆 是為偽科學) ... 而再要不跟我承認 我只能嗤笑這些官員的智商IQ(Intelligence)有問題了!
Pretending to not know the difference between these two terms "告訴乃論罪", "公訴罪" and forcing me to endure sexual exploitation by these involved aforementioned perpetrators, is very much a part of the aforementioneds' grass-roots indigenous cultic expression of wanting to show who's the male dominator, and insisting that that is "higher intelligence (of males, that females just simply don't have because it's not in their body, it's simply just not the way females are wired)", and insisting on playing this game over and over and over again tirelessly, repeatedly ... because I always refuse to submit to that, because I always refuse to be finally coerced into cooperating with that end of the game!
Like I said, I seriously suspect something is seriously wrong with the intelligence strucutre of their society and political government. Anthropologically probably will always remain like that forever, as ridding themselves of their Taoist Voodoo 巫術 pan-deistic cult is like emasculating their male identity. Obviously. And I am a threat to that. I am a threat to their establishment. That is why they demonize me, that is why they demonized my younger sister Chun-Mei and rationalized for literally abusing her, torturing her, unto final death. And then rationalizing for that as Darwinian "Survival of the fittest 優競者存 適者生存 不適者淘汰"
This is an abomination 造孽,與鬼神行邪淫,陰間求咒(詛)交換! This is the exact precise same as depicted in Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" pagan human sacrifice rituals! http://youtu.be/rhzlqpOxs7k This is not just simply abhorrent 毀壞可憎惡之事, which is a modern terminology, that does not describe the depravity of this, this is an abomination 造孽,與鬼神行邪淫,陰間求咒(詛)交換!
Afterword/Epilogue 後序/後記/結語
... Is it stupid of me to risk going to jail (or mental prison/ward again, for the violently mentally insane, for the lifelong permanent 'incurables' and those left there 'abandoned to die'), for right now (seemingly prematurely, but forced by contingencies imposed by Prosecutor Gao-Shang-Ru 高上茹檢察官) hauling up 豬勃痿, 陳鏗&co. as the NWO socio-politico systemic puppet minions (傀儡政權&奴隸走狗) that they are?
I have never compromised my testimony, accusations, charges against them (also what they did in the same methodological technique 換湯不換藥, towards my younger sister Chun-Mei 程君梅(程藝芸)), and I never will change my testimony. 一輩子一路走來 始終如一! I have a knack for remaining the same regardless of what might change many others - as some witnesses will willingly testify to the world about, that this is true, I don't change my testimony, I don't change the way in which I walk (unless I have strayed from God's ways and paths). As a testimony that God is true and every man a liar.
這條路都已經走了十年了 不差這幾公里! The answer is, it doesn't matter ... c.f. GI Jane "The best thing about pain" http://youtu.be/ADIKHdNCiXU , and true story documentary film "The General's Daughter" http://youtu.be/TbJbk0H33IU , and LOTR "At the end of all things" http://youtu.be/aJnw7uCaxhc ... the last few miles from home is always the hardest and most difficult to persist.
Let history know that just as three hundred Spartans warded off the Persians for a sufficient amount of time in order for Greece to get their act together following soon later, and that three hundred men of Gideon 士師基甸 stood against a vastly outnumbered Median Army 米甸成千上萬的軍隊; so also Chu-Mei Chern 程竹梅 laid her own life down in order to avenge the innocent blood of her younger sister Chun-Mei. And to avenge her name, and to make her story known throughout all of history.
This is not in vain, because most females fall in the exact precise same entrapments that Chun-Mei was trapped in. c.f. Sammi Cheung's "I will follow Him" witness testimony http://youtu.be/NhR6UiyOiE8
And Josh Groban, "You Raise me up" http://youtu.be/VTByzluCtMo; also LOTR fight between Gandalf vs. Saruman, between powers of good versus powers of evil in the spiritual realms http://youtu.be/j5hHOCvAiuY ... the stand-off, the final battle, and the final victory and eternal glory.
Moreover ... as if this were still yet not enough to go with (and it isn't, not enough for a stand against these Pig-Eight-Principles 豬八戒) ...
I herein appeal to the International Court of Hagues! Upon these series of heinous human rights atrocities! I appeal to the UN, I appeal to international NGO's, I appeal to all relevant human rights organizations!
And I also petition to human rights activists and groups led by Mr. Nigel Farage (UKIP) http://youtu.be/o5dXORIpH_A , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb8r6rvcgxA, Mr. Hillel Neuer (Canada) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhWgZu6tcZU, and other as such varied professionals in the fields of clinical psychology, psychiatry, law and justice.
Please contact me through an encrypted email account (which I will update as soon as possible!) if you would like to get in contact with me on the current case situation here in Taiwan.
UKIP, Nigel Farage, Hillel Neuer, Hague, 程竹梅, 程君梅, 程英傑, 程藝芸
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- You want me to submit (to your cultic socio-politico oppressive tyranny and bondage to sin and corruption and slavery)? Never! http://youtu.be/HdNn5TZu6R8
- What we do in this life, it goes into Eternity! What we do in this life, is what we will be in Eternity! http://youtu.be/OLCZ3pZJr1s
- We are ALL Gladiators! For the LORD Jesus Christ! http://youtu.be/ObGYFInWrU0 1 Corinthians 歌 林 多 前 書 4:8-13 你 們 已 經 飽 足 了 ! 已 經 豐 富 了 ! 不 用 我 們 , 自 己 就 作 王 了 ! 我 願 意 你 們 果 真 作 王 , 叫 我 們 也 得 與 你 們 一 同 作 王 。 9我 想 神 把 我 們 使 徒 明 明 列 在 末 後 , 好 像 定 死 罪 的 囚 犯 ; 因 為 我 們 成 了 一 臺 戲 , 給 世 人 和 天 使 觀 看 。 10我 們 為 基 督 的 緣 故 算 是 愚 拙 的 , 你 們 在 基 督 裡 倒 是 聰 明 的 ; 我 們 軟 弱 , 你 們 倒 強 壯 ; 你 們 有 榮 耀 , 我 們 倒 被 藐 視 。 11直 到 如 今 , 我 們 還 是 又 飢 又 渴 , 又 赤 身 露 體 , 又 挨 打 , 又 沒 有 一 定 的 住 處 , 12並 且 勞 苦 , 親 手 做 工 。 被 人 咒 罵 , 我 們 就 祝 福 ; 被 人 逼 迫 , 我 們 就 忍 受 ; 13被 人 毀 謗 , 我 們 就 善 勸 。 直 到 如 今 , 人 還 把 我 們 看 作 世 界 上 的 污 穢 , 萬 物 中 的 渣 滓 。
- 寧死不屈 至死不渝!!! 吾寧自由 否則死!!! http://youtu.be/0-_ia-ib7KU Live Free or Die!!! Give me Liberty or Give me Death!!!
- Some comments that were supposed to be posted before the above four comments (on http://facebook.com/trent.kay.773) - first
- What else does it look like here? I'm ambushed. I'm surrounded. My original plan A has been compromised (sadly) ... like when the US Navy SEALS unit who was accidentally compromised http://youtu.be/OPyQpTNSReE http://youtu.be/rLHU-_OhT8g
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- And the original third comment - What did I do? What are my charges? I didn't do anything wrong per se underneath set given socio-politico circumstances of the generation! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bVa6jn4rpE
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