2013年12月29日 星期日

My facebook websites have now been re-opened ... 現已於今天週日下午三點鐘左右可回復FB使用 ... 但基本上整件事很可疑 因此日後仍會做追蹤調查!

My facebook websites (registered using one single same email account) have been re-opened after complete shut-down over the past couple of days, however there are major suspicious aspects to this shut-down event, I will not stop investigating this matter, I will continue investigating this matter at a later date! For the time being I will be pr-occupied working and saving up as much as I can ... a person can't do anything without any resources at all in their hands to work with (巧婦難為無米之炊)!  現已於今天週日下午三點鐘左右可回復FB使用 ... 但基本上整件事情很可疑 因此日後仍會做追蹤調查!  https://www.facebook.com/notes/trent-kay/%E7%8F%BE%E5%8F%88%E5%8F%AF%E7%99%BB%E9%99%B8%E6%9C%AC%E5%B8%B3%E6%88%B6%E5%81%9A%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E5%9C%A8%E6%AD%A4%E6%9C%9F%E9%96%93%E6%88%91%E5%B7%B2%E7%B6%93%E5%9C%A8%E6%88%91%E5%85%B6%E4%BB%96%E7%9A%84%E9%83%A8%E8%90%BD%E6%A0%BC%E4%B8%8A%E9%9D%A2%E5%9A%B4%E9%87%8D%E8%A1%A8%E7%A4%BA%E6%8A%97%E8%AD%B0%E4%BA%86-httphomer2797blogspottw-httptrentkaypixnetne/272210232933093

2013年12月25日 星期三

TPTB (The Powers That Be 在權者) apparently also took down my other trentkay fan 粉絲網站 website posting NWO video self-explanatory evidences!

TPTB (The Powers That Be 在權者) apparently also took down my other trentkay fan 粉絲網站 website posting NWO video self-explanatory evidences! 原來trentkay帳號底下另外的粉絲網頁也被封鎖了 完全看不到 上面po的全是世界新秩序政權的影片證據! ...
現在我無法登入 FB/trent.kay.773 的帳號使用! 無法增加,也無法修改 http://www.facebook.com/trent.kay.773 (Presently I am unable to log into this FB account any longer ... )

Charle Brown playing baseball and UMPIRE! Heh-heh-heh 呵呵呵 這也是程竹梅的玩法,戰略策略(整部(電腦模擬人腦 artificial intelligence)系統system機器mechanical system的一部份mechanical part component) 呵呵呵 http://youtu.be/fJmKc5vUYzs

Charle Brown playing baseball and UMPIRE! Heh-heh-heh 呵呵呵 這也是程竹梅的玩法,戰略策略(整部(電腦模擬人腦 artificial intelligence)系統system機器mechanical system的一部份mechanical part component) 呵呵呵 http://youtu.be/fJmKc5vUYzs


UMPIRE! PLAY (BASE)BALL! 十年報仇(永遠)不嫌晚! PATIENCE ALWAYS PAYS OFF! PERSISTENCE ALWAYS WINS! 柔弱勝剛強 滴水穿石! http://youtu.be/8nfO-7SB47I

Someone hacked into my facebook accounts (trentkay accounts) and wouldn't let me log in today ... so I have to make my statement about this Wha-Harf^5 - I guess the game is on now Wha-Harf^5 UMPIRE! PLAY (BASE)BALL! Wha-Harf^5 我準備夠久了 就是等你們先出手 哇哈^5 Per martial philosophical principle of Tai-Chi and Chuang-Tze莊子, Lao-Tze老子; because there are millions of ways you could approach me with your assault methodological techniques, therefore I have to simply be patient and wait and observe carefully in detail about your way of attempting to F_CK Chu-Mei; and just simply turn your aggression around like an electro-magnetic field directing electro-magnetic beams of electrons/photons ... like a boomerang, and just simply turn your own aggressions upon your own head (and upon the heads of your own physical and spiritual descendants Wha-Harf^5) Easy enough to do! This also fully satisfies the justice of God Elohim Yahweh in that this is just simply you being suicidal by chronically 頻 banging your head into concrete walls Wha-Harf^5 Satan's Kingdom IS basically SUICIDAL and PARASITIC! DIOBOLIC! In EXISTENTIAL TERMS 存在主義哲思當中的二元論寄生蟲 無法生產 只會寄生在上帝的伊甸園! 總之假以時日 只是苟延殘喘罷了 總朝一日 你們就醒來在永刑的地獄 像那虐待拉撒路的富人一樣! 你們咎由自取 把耶穌的十字架救贖恩典踐踏在你們的腳底下 就是千活萬該! 從此以後 再也沒有恩惠救贖還就得了你們這些喪盡天良,毫無良知的墮落天使的魔鬼之子靈魂! You are a bunch of SONS OF PERDITION! 你們活該! 你們千活萬該! 這是你們蓄意反叛上帝 像你們的父親撒旦魔鬼一樣 就是自己想要篡奪上帝的尊貴位 想自己當世界宇宙萬物的主宰與神明 我要說 這種人的智商通常都非常低 上面白道與下面黑道是同樣的智商與認知和行為表態! 哇哈^5

有人蓄意鎖住我的facebook帳戶 我現在無法登入 遭駭 呵呵 wonder who it is 哇哈^5 哪個弱智撒旦教族男企圖像李忻地&Bill Leeman&co.一樣 企圖以性暴力來試圖使我屈服於其淫威(竹北有很多公務員 認為這不叫做"屈服於其淫威底下" 呵呵呵 這些老愛與這些傢伙交配生小孩的台灣精神病女 ... 哇哈^5 原我一直給妳們放水 妳們若是偏偏境酒不喝 專愛喝罰酒 那就請便! 哇呵^5 為這些台灣孽種男犧牲一切 I sure hope it was worth it for you! Wha-Harf^5 妳們想妳們在世界上哪個角落躲得過程竹梅的追緝? You bunch of mother-f_cking mental retards! I guess you're genetically related to Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & group(s), huh? Wha-Harf^5 智障台灣女 ... 老替葉志雄警官這種人格異常病態男生一大堆像竹東署立醫院豬勃痿,竹東榮民醫院閩南陳鏗這種敗類!在聯手SamSchutz&CIA聲稱程竹梅中國人是加害者,台灣男人被程竹梅強暴透透好可憐 - 你們這些敗類 逃不過上帝的審判的! 只要世界上還是有上帝的一天! 我們來打賭! 誰贏誰輸! 即便牧師叔父那個假信徒成功竄改歷史 我們來打賭好不好 永恆當中誰在天堂 誰在永刑的地獄裡面永遠受苦 哇哈^5 也別告訴我說你們台灣男女就是愛面子 只要騙得你們兒孫膜拜 就幹掉上帝也無所謂 你的假理子可是輸給了我們中國大陸人ㄌㄟ 哇哈^5 Go on! Go on! Go on 繼續在歷史上與SamSchutz&CIA瞎掰阿!哇哈^5 我敢打賭 這些傢伙絕對鬥不過程竹梅的聰明與智慧 哇哈^5 就是你們在怎樣去撞牆 程竹梅也部會像你媽和老婆,情婦那樣乖乖吸你的雞,就是深怕老了沒人養,還反倒被滅口奪遺產,早日與情婦逃跑到國外! 你們的技倆, 程竹梅可是看得一清二楚! 從一日大就被寵壞的台灣男女 你們應該回家咬斷你們母親的奶頭! 誰叫她把你生成你現在的樣子 哇哈^5 你們的命運現在鐵定項出賣耶穌的猶大一樣 - It would have been better if he had never been born! 以自殺結尾! 並掉進永刑的地獄去! 哇哈^5 你們活該哩 上帝給你們充分悔改的機會 顯然現在是你們決議反叛上帝到下地獄否則就是不甘心 那就請便! 上帝是輕慢不得的! 種瓜得瓜 種豆得豆 唯有回頭是岸! 否則像猶大 你就是自取滅亡了 你就是表明寧可與撒旦魔鬼在一起直到永恆 也不願降服於上帝! 也就是說 你像你的父親撒旦魔鬼一樣 想要自己當王 幹掉上帝(幹掉你爸爸) 你們這樣自作孽 以為上帝是假的嗎? 上帝不如你的雞雞腦袋瓜大? btw Julia Sergeeuna Goreva 確實認為女生不應該受國中教育 她聲稱因為男生的雞雞比女生的腦袋瓜還要有腦袋!你們顯然是同一國的 哇哈^5 也就是說連畜牲都不如的"世界(共產黨,拜撒旦教)新秩序" "烏托邦"新世界 (Neo-Cons) 哇哈^5 你們旣連畜牲都不如 就準備被上帝審判入永刑地獄去吧 哇哈^5)

2013年12月4日 星期三

Freedom and Democracy Speech by Professional Law Professor, 2008 Anno Domini

How Long will Americans Stay Apathetic?
- Freedom and Democracy speech by Professional Lawyer and Law Professor in 2008, at a time in history when YouTube websites was getting shut down and blatantly censored by the Bush Government Administration

Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would sacrifice essential liberties to purchase a little temporary security, deserve neither freedom nor liberty for themselves”.
c.f. also Representative Thaddeus McCotter refusing 600 billion pounds of dung quoting former  U.S. President Andrew Jackson in 1837 Bank Panic and The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in The Brothers Kamarov “if you want to subject the people, give them miracle, mystery and authority but above all, bread”.
When the weapons of mass destruction thing turned out not to be true, I expected the American People to RISE UP. (Humph!) They didn’t. Then, when the Avograb underground torture surfaced, and it was revealed that our government participated in Rendition, a practice in which we kidnap people and turn them over to regimes who specialize in torture, I was sure then that the American People would be heard from – we stood mute. Then came the news that we jailed thousands of so-called “terrorist suspects”; locked them up without offering them right to a trial, or even the right to confront their accusers. Certainly we wouldn’t stand for that – we did. And now it has been discovered, the Executive Branch has been conducting massive illegal domestic surveillance on its own citizens: you and me. And I least consoled myself, that FINALLY, FINALLY, the American  people will have had enough. And Evidently we haven’t. In fact, if the People of this Country have spoken the messages, we’re okay with it all – Torture, Warrantless Search and Seizures, Illegal Wiretappings, Prison without a fair Trial or any Trial, Wars on false Pretenses, … we are as a citizen apparently not offended. There are no demonstrations on college campuses; in fact there’s no clear indication that young people even seem to notice. Well, Melissa Hews noticed. Now, you might think instead of withholding her taxes, she could have protested the old fashion way – made a placard, demonstrated at a Presidential or Vice Presidential appearance. But we’ve lost the right to that as well: The Secret Service can now declare “Free Speech Zones” to Contain, Control, and in effect Criminalize protest. Stop for a moment. And try to fathom that.
At a Presidential rally, parade or appearance; if you have on a supportive T-shirt, you can be there. If you’re carrying or wearing something in protest, you can be removed. THIS in the United States of America! This in the United States of America – is Melissa Hews the only one embarrassed?!!!
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

What I’m most sick and tired of, is how every time somebody disagrees with how the government is running things, he/she is labeled “Un-American”.
(Quote from contemporary official: “…Evidently, Speech Time.”)
And speech is supposed to be free. Free for Hack, free for me, free for you, free for Melissa Hews, to stand up to her government and say, “STICK IT!”, “OBJECTION!”, “I OBJECT to government abusing its power to squash the Constitutional Freedoms of its citizenry.” And God forbid, anybody who challenges this runs the risk of being viewed as a heretic.
Melissa Hews is an American. Melissa Hews is an American. Melissa Hews is an American.
Last night, I went to bed with a book. The book contained a speech by Adolesce Stevenson – the year was 1952. He said, “The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear in which we live, and fear breeds repression. Too often sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom of the mind, are concealed under the patriotic cloak of anti-communism.”
Today it is the cloak of Anti-Terrorism.
Stevenson also remarked, it is far easier to fight for principles, than to live up to them.
Following are examples of freedoms which Bush and Congress have already expunged (as reported by the Associated Press);
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION (集會聚集的自由權): Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (資訊流通開放公開的自由權): Government has closed once public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public record questions.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH (言論自由權): Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION (法律發言代表人的權力): Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.
FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES (拒絕非正當理由遭搜尋的自由): Government may search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigations.
RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL(案件公開迅速交付審判庭審查的權力): Government may jail American indefinitely without a trial (未審先 判/枉法裁判).
RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.
“… The Bush Administration has done more to dismantle
Constitutional protections of our liberties than any president in modern memory. It seems that these people believe that until Federal Storm Troopers knock down the doors of their homes and drag them off to the Gulags, they have lost no freedoms. Nothing could be further from the truth.” – Chuck Baldwin, Baltimore

28NOV2013週三_竹市地檢102年能股撤緩字336號訴願書[之三]Petition/Appeal Part Three

  • The greatest, MOST IMPORTANT, and a most basic, fundamental, point argument and issue, is that the involved perpetrating criminal Taiwanese “doctors” and involved government authorities as well as societal members of grassroots Taiwan, particularly in regard to these criminal Taiwanese “doctors”; what they do to me and my sister Chun-Mei, is really just their own cover-up lame-blame scapegoat sexist exploitative way of working out their own personal past unresolved issues on me and Chun-Mei, seeing us as easy targets with no-one to defend our human rights and no-body who would believe Taiwanese males of seemingly higher social status and power in society would do such a thing (such things), think such things, think such perversity, towards Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei.
    • What these criminal Taiwanese “doctors” are strongly relying upon, is what Taiwanese societal abuse has always relied upon: the refusal of Taoist cultic society to acknowledge sexual abuse and exploitation of less powerful members of society.
      • In the Taoist mindset that is offensive, how could the gods take interest in peasant girls like Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei, and if so you 走狗運啦 ought to be grateful for your mistress that she doesn’t tear you apart with her bare hands readily like the third wife and concubine of a real story of a Mandarin immigrant who fled for the states during the two world wars http://youtu.be/_axV-_Wz7L0 ; you lucky slut cunt, you, huh? Like 湯唯 in “Lust, Caution”, huh? http://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B9%AF%E5%94%AF
    • This is the way in which these Taiwanese males attempt to assert their power and territorial dominion on the face of this earth, and the western world understands this quite well. Like I pointed out, it is the same as gangs, packs of dogs on the streets urinating on telephone posts and raping female dogs on the streets in spring time.
      • You’re not fooling anybody, Prosecutor Gao. You make yourself out to be an obvious and apparent supporter and abider of this system, and I’m going to tell everybody in the entire world.
        • I’m forcing you to turn around 180 degrees immediately.
        • This is what happens when God shows up on the scene and God’s power rests upon His children, who execute His judgments speedily and without fear, like God always requires of His messengers throughout the Bible - true integrous messengers who are sent by God time and again, to deliver His people 上帝的百姓 from the dark forces of evil from Satan the Devil and his hordes and human minions in this world. The latter of which executes and works their father the Devil’s will and works in this world.
    • As the Bible writes, the psychopathology (rationalized for in (oc)cultic Taiwanese society) fittingly fits the Biblical description of “these men are beasts of brute instinct, … 豬八戒”
      • What they try to do, is to physically, in this way physically testing their physical prowess (“maleness”, a.k.a. quite literally testing the power of the authority their penis) in society and in this world - for how much they can get away with worship by this society and by this world.
      • They do this in order to try to test their lack of self-identity “who they themselves are”, “what they themselves are”, to try, in their drunken orgies (as Revelations calls the politics of the kingdoms of this world “drunken orgies”, adulteries, prostitutions, slavery of the peoples 奴役人海), force you to be their scapegoat of not knowing who they themselves are while growing up; force you to be their scapegoat of being given over to whatever and any forces of the Devil’s allure and kingdom power in this world while they were growing up; force you to bear the consequences of their not having any form of morals, ethics or any form of restraint or authority in their lives while they were growing up.
        • Essentially wrestling with you, literally tasting you with their tongues and penis(physiological/mental erection response) … forcing you to be the “wrathful compensation” of their inability to control their own lusts in this world - whether it be lust towards young women or lust towards grabbing political power in this world.
        • They’re testing you, trying on the side also, and this is an important point argument, to “role-reversal 角色逆轉 of the roles and social/world status 社會地位逆轉, 在這世界上的身份地位逆轉”
        • Like many of my former associates testify and witness to, I and my sister Chun-Mei often fall prey to wild unchecked assaults and attacks by males (and females alike) who are 自卑心作祟 (bitter in their hearts, suffer low self-esteem and poor self-images while they were growing up)
          • Therefore such behaviors should not bear any in the least implication against Chu-Mei nor Chun-Mei; but should instead strongly expose, testify to, and indicate just the opposite: that the assailants themselves are instead what they attempt to make out their subject target victims to be.
          • This is called “Scapegoating”, or creating a “Scarecrow” effect out of subject target victims, abusing others in ways that they themselves feel abused before (or all of their lives long), trying to make subject target victims objects of their wraths, as a form of compensation for their suppressed and repressed anger, feelings of hatred, malice, vengeance, bitterness, rage, etc.

  • Civil Disobedience 公民不服從
    • I have been maintaining and holding up silent quiet demonstration protest for ten years already up to now (and I still have the evidences of this prolonged demonstration on record!), and now I am REALLY finally getting angry at last … 終於生氣了!!!
      • 主後公元二⃝一三年十月13日當日同時間寄送達新竹市地檢署以及台灣法務部的高等檢察署 我們豈不是已經溝通決定談好了嗎 怎又往下沉水 像耶穌的門徒彼得走在加利利湖面上不久又往下沉 又像巴比倫尼布甲撒王 Nebuchadnezzar 以及聖經記載埃及法老王 Pharoah 每次說好聽上帝之後 又變掛 而且一而再, 再而三!
    • Does my new resistance affront put me at risk of being assassinated a.k.a. murdered, a.k.a. homicide (or worse, demoralized in death - the threats were specifically “姦殺棄屍”)? More than ever before!
      • But I’ve decided “Greater is He that is with me and all the faithful followers and disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ, than he that is in this world, than he that is of this world, which is the Devil Satan and his hordes and his human minions in this world who are held captive by the Devil’s temptations to power (as specified by the three temptations of Christ in the Desert Wilderness) to do the Devil’s will in this world” 那存在於基督信徒裡面的 比那在這世界上的(撒旦魔鬼)還要更大!!! 誰敢觸犯上帝的殿堂? 誰才是不想要活命了!
      • 決定反抗惡勢力到底!
    • This was not plan A. But this operation has been compromised a little bit (like scratches on your car); this is the process of part(s) of plan B.
      • 最佳狀態(“Plan A”)原先是:
        • ”矜持於默然無正面衝突狀況之下”
        • 也就是馬英九總統主張的 “不統, 不獨, 不武”
        • 有一首聖歌 是在天韻等等這個台灣和渠世界華人界基督教盛世年代的時候 有位受過聲樂專業基礎大學教育出身的男作曲家 出版了現在已找不到的整本整本的樂譜和演唱錄音帶 我在高中的時候在基督教的新竹市橄欖書局找到的 (其實我並不是沒有音樂越器訓練, 聲樂樂譜訓練和古典樂曲創作的基礎) 但後來家裡失火 全燒毀了
          • 他有一首曲子我還記得很清楚(當時那個年代 我還時常在過年的時候我母親的車子上一邊給她載來往南部祖父母的家 一邊從樂譜上哼唱著經典詩歌創作的曲子)
            • 歌詞是”看似平靜 卻是暗潮湧 … 喔心哪! 你(在何)...” 但因功課繁重 到現在記不得了 也在網路上查不到了! 真的很好聽! 很經典!
            • 這首歌能夠表現出保持和平平靜革命的精神 可惜目前為止還找不到這首經典創曲 …
              • 難到只有我懂得欣賞他?
      • 實際現實狀況的戰況底下 Almost always 幾乎百分之百的時候 “Plan A”一定會被敵軍/你的對敵給”(嚴重)妥協”掉 因此實際政戰軍校必定會教你 不僅具備”Plan B’s”而且還要有”Plan C”, “Plan D”, “Plan E”, … 越多戰備策略越好. (Have you ever wondered why Bugs Bunny always has endless different counter-strategies to defeat Wiley the Wolf and other Predators 獵食野兔小紅冒三支小豬的獵食者/天敵/仇敵/敵人/對手)
    • So this is why I said we got ambushed; force-compromised (thankfully because of my rather successful long-term plan strategies and the obvious apparent durability and strength of this “fortress 城堡” I’ve constructed with the help and wisdom and knowledge that is given to me from God Elohim Yahweh) …
    • Am I not afraid of death/demoralization? http://youtu.be/_MlgjrgqTls
      • 有比死亡還要更可怕的結局和後果(所以聖經說”不要害怕/恐懼, 世人所害怕/恐懼的” (世人: 就是那些泛神論者, 鬼神論者, 拜偶像的人, 行巫術起咒求詛的人 pagans, idolaters, deists, a.k.a. Luciferians/Satanists 拜撒旦教者)
      • Bible writes that God knows our fragile, delicate and frail human needs! And God will provide! 耶和華以勒! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmpY-5F-dJY
        • Genesis 創 世 記 22:1-19
這 些 事 以 後 ,   神 要 試 驗 亞 伯 拉 罕 , 就 呼 叫 他 說 : 亞 伯 拉 罕 ! 他 說 : 我 在 這 裡 。 2神 說 : 你 帶 著 你 的 兒 子 , 就 是 你 獨 生 的 兒 子 , 你 所 愛 的 以 撒 , 往 摩 利 亞 地 去 , 在 我 所 要 指 示 你 的 山 上 , 把 他 獻 為 燔 祭 。 3亞 伯 拉 罕 清 早 起 來 , 備 上 驢 , 帶 著 兩 個 僕 人 和 他 兒 子 以 撒 , 也 劈 好 了 燔 祭 的 柴 , 就 起 身 往   神 所 指 示 他 的 地 方 去 了 。 4到 了 第 三 日 , 亞 伯 拉 罕 舉 目 遠 遠 的 看 見 那 地 方 。 5亞 伯 拉 罕 對 他 的 僕 人 說 : 你 們 和 驢 在 此 等 候 , 我 與 童 子 往 那 裡 去 拜 一 拜 , 就 回 到 你 們 這 裡 來 。 6亞 伯 拉 罕 把 燔 祭 的 柴 放 在 他 兒 子 以 撒 身 上 , 自 己 手 裡 拿 著 火 與 刀 ; 於 是 二 人 同 行 。 7以 撒 對 他 父 親 亞 伯 拉 罕 說 : 父 親 哪 ! 亞 伯 拉 罕 說 : 我 兒 , 我 在 這 裡 。 以 撒 說 : 請 看 , 火 與 柴 都 有 了 , 但 燔 祭 的 羊 羔 在 那 裡 呢 ? 8亞 伯 拉 罕 說 : 我 兒 ,   神 必 自 己 預 備 作 燔 祭 的 羊 羔 。 於 是 二 人 同 行 。

9他 們 到 了   神 所 指 示 的 地 方 , 亞 伯 拉 罕 在 那 裡 築 壇 , 把 柴 擺 好 , 捆 綁 他 的 兒 子 以 撒 , 放 在 壇 的 柴 上 。 10亞 伯 拉 罕 就 伸 手 拿 刀 , 要 殺 他 的 兒 子 。 11耶 和 華 的 使 者 從 天 上 呼 叫 他 說 : 亞 伯 拉 罕 ! 亞 伯 拉 罕 ! 他 說 : 我 在 這 裡 。 12天 使 說 : 你 不 可 在 這 童 子 身 上 下 手 。 一 點 不 可 害 他 ! 現 在 我 知 道 你 是 敬 畏   神 的 了 ; 因 為 你 沒 有 將 你 的 兒 子 , 就 是 你 獨 生 的 兒 子 , 留 下 不 給 我 。 13亞 伯 拉 罕 舉 目 觀 看 , 不 料 , 有 一 隻 公 羊 , 兩 角 扣 在 稠 密 的 小 樹 中 , 亞 伯 拉 罕 就 取 了 那 隻 公 羊 來 , 獻 為 燔 祭 , 代 替 他 的 兒 子 。 14亞 伯 拉 罕 給 那 地 方 起 名 叫 耶 和 華 以 勒 ( 意 思 就 是 耶 和 華 必 預 備 的 意 思 ) , 直 到 今 日 人 還 說 : 在 耶 和 華 的 山 上 必 有 預 備 。

15耶 和 華 的 使 者 第 二 次 從 天 上 呼 叫 亞 伯 拉 罕 說 : 16耶 和 華 說 : 你 既 行 了 這 事 , 不 留 下 你 的 兒 子 , 就 是 你 獨 生 的 兒 子 , 我 便 指 著 自 己 起 誓 說 : 17論 福 , 我 必 賜 大 福 給 你 ; 論 子 孫 , 我 必 叫 你 的 子 孫 多 起 來 , 如 同 天 上 的 星 , 海 邊 的 沙 。 你 子 孫 必 得 著 仇 敵 的 城 門 , 18並 且 地 上 萬 國 都 必 因 你 的 後 裔 得 福 , 因 為 你 聽 從 了 我 的 話 。 19於 是 亞 伯 拉 罕 回 到 他 僕 人 那 裡 , 他 們 一 同 起 身 往 別 是 巴 去 , 亞 伯 拉 罕 就 住 在 別 是 巴 。

      • 以死明(銘)志 這乃最後萬不得矣, expressedly out of dismal desperation 當無藥可救的時候, 所採取的忠貞效忠上帝的手段!
        • 這也就是十字架上的奧秘! This is also expressive of the mystery of the power of God upon the Crucifix and of the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
        • 世界上有比這(死亡, 光榮的十字架 The Glory of the Crucifix)更可怕的嗎? 有(折磨,凌虐,感覺生不如死,感覺無法活過今天,感覺無法面對明天,只想要快點結束一切痛苦suffering/ suffrage); 但是不多. 有, 但是不常見/不多見. As the Bible writes, in dying we live. A seed is still only a seed if it is not sown in faith and buried into the ground, symbolizing death and the grave, death to the corrupt old self; but when we sow 栽種下去, 對老我死亡, 對罪死亡 in faith, 不再是我, 而是基督在我裡面活著 過著死裡復活, 出死入生的永恆新生命 以及這個永恆新生命所擁有的榮耀與權能!
          • John 約 翰 福 音 17:1-12
耶 穌 說 了 這 話 , 就 舉 目 望 天 , 說 : 父 阿 , 時 候 到 了 , 願 你 榮 耀 你 的 兒 子 , 使 兒 子 也 榮 耀 你 ; 2正 如 你 曾 賜 給 他 權 柄 管 理 凡 有 血 氣 的 , 叫 他 將 永 生 賜 給 你 所 賜 給 他 的 人 。 3認 識 你 ─ 獨 一 的 真 神 , 並 且 認 識 你 所 差 來 的 耶 穌 基 督 , 這 就 是 永 生 。 4我 在 地 上 已 經 榮 耀 你 , 你 所 託 付 我 的 事 , 我 已 成 全 了 。 5父 阿 , 現 在 求 你 使 我 同 你 享 榮 耀 , 就 是 未 有 世 界 以 先 , 我 同 你 所 有 的 榮 耀 。

6你 從 世 上 賜 給 我 的 人 , 我 已 將 你 的 名 顯 明 與 他 們 。 他 們 本 是 你 的 , 你 將 他 們 賜 給 我 , 他 們 也 遵 守 了 你 的 道 。 7如 今 他 們 知 道 , 凡 你 所 賜 給 我 的 , 都 是 從 你 那 裡 來 的 ; 8因 為 你 所 賜 給 我 的 道 , 我 已 經 賜 給 他 們 , 他 們 也 領 受 了 , 又 確 實 知 道 , 我 是 從 你 出 來 的 , 並 且 信 你 差 了 我 來 。 9我 為 他 們 祈 求 , 不 為 世 人 祈 求 , 卻 為 你 所 賜 給 我 的 人 祈 求 , 因 他 們 本 是 你 的 。 10凡 是 我 的 , 都 是 你 的 ; 你 的 也 是 我 的 , 並 且 我 因 他 們 得 了 榮 耀 。 11從 今 以 後 , 我 不 在 世 上 , 他 們 卻 在 世 上 ; 我 往 你 那 裡 去 。 聖 父 阿 , 求 你 因 你 所 賜 給 我 的 名 保 守 他 們 , 叫 他 們 合 而 為 一 像 我 們 一 樣 。 12我 與 他 們 同 在 的 時 候 , 因 你 所 賜 給 我 的 名 保 守 了 他 們 , 我 也 護 衛 了 他 們 ; 其 中 除 了 那 滅 亡 之 子 , 沒 有 一 個 滅 亡 的 , 好 叫 經 上 的 話 得 應 驗 。
    • 羅馬帝國最大, 最嚴重, 的屈辱? 此時期同秦始皇時期
      • 也莫過於如此罷了! Therefore there is no fear because God will resurrect us and judge this world!

  • 聖經說 “In the FULLNESS OF TIME God sent His Son into this world, so that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life”
    • This is another MAIN POINT ARGUMENT IN THIS COMPOSITE CASE SITUATION; of why after this larger bullet point, I am not going to (have enough time to) digress on other points stated in the rest of the legal document(ation).
      • Already terse here as well in this opening bullet point.
      • Just looked at the time. I don’t have time to type beyond this point any longer. I’ll just photo-copy them (blocking out the parts where God continues to give me the wisdom to “seal the prophecy(ies)” for until the appointed time has come”).
    • Bible quotes the LORD Jesus Christ rebuking the Jewish Pharisees, “A wicked and perverse generation asks for a sign (miracle; a.k.a. ‘我們要奇蹟顯現給我們看, 我們才要信你, 跟從你’)! But no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah!” http://youtu.be/pyD_xy1CibQ
    • Therefore no excuse for saying “Oh, but we are innocent-minded because we do not know so much about this world! You are dirty and perverse, Chu-Mei,that is why our pensis 雞(童) cleanses you 鎮靜 陣住 陣壓住 (per Taoist socio-politics, culture, beliefs of the public population of Taiwan)! These Taiwanese criminal “doctors” are without excuse! There is nothing wrong with their IQ, the problem with their behaviors and criminal psychopathology, is in their hearts and in their character - flawed from birth. Never ever once washed in the least, self-given over to the worst perversities of this world as an expression of their self-identifications of being “male (dominator)” in this world.
      • Where does this mentality (台灣鄉土文化與自我認知 that is obvious and apparent of these Taiwanese criminal “doctors”, and indigenous and grass-roots among all Taiwanese males and this is the way in which they teach and govern their next generations as well) come from? It comes from the (oc)cults, the anthropological civilizations of this world, the way the world was in its corrupted intelligences and perversions taken from the “fruit of knowledge 睿樹/智慧樹 gnostic tree of occult knowledge (c.f. Evil Wizard 巫師 Saruman in JRRTolkien’s 托爾金 ‘Lord of the Ring 魔戒’)” … http://youtu.be/EJWEX6aqiuw
        • And that is why these criminal “doctors” and their submissive government administration officers and offices of government administrative authority … does not recognize this, refuses to recognize this, as an evil wicked perversity and abomination to the LORD God Elohim Yahweh. AND YET BUT IT IS. IT IS AN ABOMINATION TO THE LORD GOD ELOHIM YAHWEH.

  • Therefore, as I have stated in my 27NOV2013 appeal letter 訴願, it is not the lack of expression by myself as defendant in this case situation, it is not the lack of mental cognitive IQ capabilities on the part of involved perpetrating criminal Taiwanese “doctors”, … it is a serious flaw in the human character and integrity and human nature of Taiwan to be 豬八戒 - so much so that I think you should change your state emblem (and national anthem 應該是台灣改國歌的時候了 as well) to a national flag with 豬八戒 on it! And Taoist ying-yang symbols on top of 豬八戒 to show just how strong and powerful of a beast and animal (怪獸王國, 敵基督獸王國) these ethnic Taiwanese males and females view themselves!

  • Oh yes, and the document print-out Titled “How Long will Americans Stay Apathetic” professional lawyer’s public expression of the atrociousness of freedom and democracy being trampled upon by the Bush administration … this is just the tip of the iceberg of the things and speeches I’m about to unleash against you, should you (the Taiwan government, government administration) remain dormant and unmoved and refusing to change for the better! I sure hope you’re (Taiwan government administration, involved criminal perpetrators) not peeing in your pants at this battle forefront yet! Wha-Harf^5 哇哈^5 Because I’ve (we’ve, the sons and daughters of God Elohim Yahweh), have barely even begun! {{There’s a scene in this film clip where the woman warrior sees her male comrades peeing in his pants before battle or something (or it could be in the other recent film “Gladiators”http://youtu.be/1mJJKuyEwb8), and says “don’t worry; they won’t rape you.” http://youtu.be/AuPo2tYa3Rg }}

    • Now let the fear of the LORD and of God’s children be forever engraved in your minds forever and ever and ever! Lest you offend God in some way you are unaware of, lest you mock God without more than a second thought, and God strike you and your entire clan dead like He wiped out the Amorites, Nephilim, Hittites,Philistines, etc.

  • Doxology to the LORD God Elohim Yahweh who fights the wars of His people! 願訟贊 榮耀 永遠歸於 那為祂的子民百姓爭戰的真 神 耶和華 上帝! http://youtu.be/EizJSJ5HNhQ