2015年1月18日 星期日

吳怡貞女警(P.O.Debby) ... 妳知道我愛妳.

從我陰6448黑道大哥派系人馬(含葉志雄警組長&co.)施一貫道教咒詛造成我莫名其妙被血液濃度有嚴重問題的四十五歲富婆老女撞車活活輾過去車禍差點被撞死到頭頸部開始 ...

吳怡貞女警就很現實地開始接受那些長期灌她毒品拉上床,精神社會政治凌虐虐控她的警界客家男性 以致於今天替這些警界毒裊(葉志雄&co.長期包庇的本身派系小弟)產下已近半齡的幼兒

又在近期跑去訂購竹北三房以上的預售屋 可能準備不僅給幼兒房間用 大概是還要養公婆 還有外勞

這當中 吳怡貞女警的選擇(她之前其實一直對我釋放性暗示 到一種程度 她當時新婚的那個毒裊客家警界葉志雄小弟嫉妒,沒安全感氣到有一段時間不肯跟她做愛 跟她大吵架 叫她走 去跟她真正喜歡的人在一起 結果果然吳怡貞女警有一天就出現在我的租處大門前 (so to speak) ... 傷心沮喪得不得了 看起來非常難受的樣子 很明顯就是因為吳怡貞她的性需求量如此大 突然剝奪她的性癮 sex&emotional addiction ... 她著實受不了 又為了要證明給虐控她的葉志雄毒裊小弟 她現身當時是一副準備好給毒裊新婚年輕客家警丈夫埋伏 準備好要引誘我出來對她示愛底下 把我拖去附近叢林毒打 然後給毒裊新婚年輕客家丈夫當場逮捕說是我企圖性侵害強姦他老婆 這一切並且 很顯然是葉志雄策劃的 因為吳怡貞她丈夫的智商很低 這是很明顯出自葉志雄的思維,智商,社政搞人歪腦筋與做法)

這當中 吳怡貞產生對我的疑慮 有三方面(這三面並且都是葉志雄教唆的 在葉志雄教唆之前 吳怡貞可是對我每次都投懷送抱親親的! 明顯表示她遭虐控 她並不快樂!)
  1. 程竹梅是重精神病and/or少數小派異議份子 在台灣社會上永遠翻不了身 Chu-Mei is, according to Taiwanese DPP socio-politico authorities (who are religiously devout Satanists in the form of Taoism 虔誠的一貫道教徒 a.k.a. 提倡男女苟合, 通姦除罪化, 不要任何外來政權管, 也不要中國人管), and also according to inumerous ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka citizens such as Hoklo-Hakka hybrid Jack 方仁宏, severely&dangerously&deeply mentally ill schizophrenia; therefore Chu-Mei will never be able to overthrow their I-Ching labeling curse-voodoo巫術/邪術/台灣一貫道教貼符咒ㄟ stigmata ... Chu-Mei is hot-iron-branded for life, all sexual exploitations and socio-politico abuses and human rights atrocities from hence on by these ethnic Taiwnese NWO Satanists, will never be overthrown nor over-ride ... Chu-Mei is wasted. What hope has P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警 (who is equally wasted from since her childhood years) in Chu-Mei?
  2. 程竹梅是不上進的混混 在台灣社會上永遠賺不了錢養吳怡貞女警 Chu-Mei will never be able to provide properly for P.O.Debby(吳怡貞女警); because Chu-Mei has not been faring well underneath classic Taiwanese methods of f_cking those they are jealous of and wish to degrade and demoralize and drag down their own Taoist socio-politico Hades ... a.k.a. underneath clear socio-politico and government death threats forbading against Chu-Mei from working in Taiwan (threats also of continual surveillance and harassment at any public institution, be it at school/university or at work in Taiwan, just like before Chu-Mei miraculously went to college without missing a year), of course, Chu-Mei has not been faring well. And Taiwanese BBS Hsin-Chu Board has been using this as rationalization and legal rationalization for insisting that therefore Chu-Mei is mental f_ck-f_ck because Chu-Mei has not "contributed" to Taiwan's work force either in terms of labor or smarts (intelligences, 貢獻(金)腦筋) for the past decade. That therefore this proves that Chu-Mei is mental f_ck-f_ck, proves that Chu-Mei HAS no brains, Chu-Mei only has a cute virgin vagina, therefore now just as ten years before, now Chu-Mei's only good-for is for Chu-Mei to finally submit her vagina to these ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka males; or else, these ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka males say (on public Taiwanese BBS), they are free to sexually exploit Chu-Mei by force anyhow, and moreover, since it is not Chu-Mei being willing to be their wives and grandmother of their ethnic physical descendants, that therefore they will proceed, underndeath the same expressed sentiment of Texas's Rice University Taiwanese Cin-Ty Aelous Lee 李忻地, that therefore Chu-Mei needs to be abused to literal death. Because see, or else Chu-Mei just simply refuses to show her respect for Cin-Ty Aelous Lee.
    1. JSGoreva of Caltech also made this exact precise same argument as Cin-Ty Aelous Lee in rationalizing for her and Caltech faculty, graduate student abuses against Chu-Mei (the most recent continual political persecution of which I can point out, occurred this past SEP2014 here in Hsin-Chu; prior she had exerted this same political persecution against Chu-Mei from since 2003 in Taiwan, with the central government) 
      1. Paul David Asimow, Edward Mark Stolper, Don Samuel Burnett & co. of Caltech have also been making this same argument and rationalization for f_cking Chu-Mei from the very beginning since 1999 and would like to continue this if they could.
      2. 加州理工學院這樣的社政謊控&政治迫害 跟竹北婦幼隊葉志雄警組長與吳怡貞(情婦)&co. 的長期對程竹梅的謊控合理化 一模一樣
      3. 竹北劉督最近一次對程竹梅在電話上用葉志雄那附調調對程竹梅性挑釁 (這是台灣社政上常見的政客對付民進黨的"四兩撥千斤"的典型性挑釁手法 也是Texas州 Rice University Bill Leeman教授2002 -2003年當時擺明的 對程竹梅公然言語挑釁的同樣言詞意思表態)
  3. 程竹梅不是物理男生 無法在生理上滿足吳怡貞女警每天的激烈性需求 Chu-Mei is not physically male (doesn't have male genitals), therefore would be unable to satisfy/ fulfill/ provide for, P.O.Debby's吳怡貞 intense激烈 daily每天每日ㄟ sexual性需求, sexuo-emotive親密性關係+心理(心靈)情感性需求 needs.
    1. 但並參考此文修正 http://homer2797.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post_30.html
    2. 今天18JAN2015 GMT+TPE 我中午時間在愛買地下室B1用中餐的時候 看到(目睹)兩名女同志在"工作閒暇午餐休息時間約會". "T雄"是年輕很多的豬頭女 學像我最近說 以粗工公司文化水準而言好到不能再好的那個放我去架鷹架的豬皮頭(豬腦低智商)大哥 ... 拼命罵她的"P雌"較長許多的女友讓她呆等了半小時又等到沒私人座位給她們倆好做午餐約會 (嚇...看她滿臉瘡痍的可怕面相...可能跟我一樣年齡有吧 要不然就是需要嚴重等級急救保養了說!)
      1. Yuck. 我想這就是台灣BBS女同志版的真相 ... 著實讓我用餐到一半覺得好噁 ... 若不是我真的很餓 我可能真的直衝公廁狂嘔吐了說 ...
這三項重大疑慮當中 只有我並非物理男生是真的 In the above three suppositions, only the third is genuinely REALLY true.

上帝是又真又實的 神


上帝是要釋放吳怡貞真正自由的 並不希望吳怡貞遭精神虐控操縱 mental mind-control

按照中華民國憲法以及其他相關法律 這婚姻完全無效 小孩也不應歸予葉志雄警組長的客家毒裊警界小弟

