2015年8月9日 星期日

For 今晚給新竹地檢署的第二封公開信 (袁幼軒 - 從毒裊到神學院教授)

我知道我在講甚麼嗎? 難道你懷疑我? ... okay. 好吧. 為了去除您們的疑慮 ...

For 新竹地檢署 (給新竹地檢署的公開信)

今天晚上(週日)我呈遞了一封公文 ... 我最近真的很多不同的刑事案件在手上在寫狀子等等 ... 我只能補充這個真人真事影片 ... 當然還有很多資訊 是我從小自幼就研究過的科學資料 ...

但我想po這部影片就夠現在用了. 真 神 耶和華 上帝 自己會給你們從天上來的聰明智慧! God Bless!

2015年8月3日 星期一

All I can say immediately is that, Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and P.O.Debby & co. are currently trying to use harassment and holding criminal hostage and socio-politico intimidation towards my long-term 後天性 severely mentally ill parents, as method of trying to make me suck Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's penis and write up self-confessional of how yes Chu-Mei is such a slut always been wanting to suck Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung&co.'s penis but didn't know how to socialize.

Yes. This is what P.O.Debby has been saying for a few months now. In face of whatever evidences I flash before her eyes/ears.

Oh, these f_cking brutes are going to get my parents to come on public stage and tell all right. But it's not going to work the way they hope it's going to work (for them). Just to say the least.

I will write what I am writing right now in emergency respose at the moment (almost midnight, but Prosecutor's office can take sealed files 24 hours, so ...)

Just like the last time (just last week) when P.O.Debby tried to suicide-bomb me in front of everybody's sight and in full sight of the Prosecutor's office ...

they're the only ones who are going to get blown up by their own lust (towards me and Chun-Mei) and prowess.

Wow. Good goin', man! Good goin! Keep em' comin! Just keep em' comin! In time you'll inherit as much self-induced skull fractures from slamming yourselves into A-grade concrete like Caltech people Wha-Harf^5

I was just threatened with falsified distorted false evidence by P.O.Debby's police male lovers ...

They're already filing multiple false criminal charges for (lethal) intimidation, (long-term) harassment, ...

... while glaring at me and my scooter plate number and having me put immediately into the police system as "wanted criminal at large 通緝犯" and for the n-th time, having all police departments notified of tracking me down over the public street surveillance system. 調閱路上的監視器畫面跟蹤我回家(今晚)

I said "三八小弟 偷窺吳怡貞是嫉妒人家吳怡貞假以時日有朝一日離得開兄弟葉志雄ㄏㄧㄡˇ? 哇哈^N", "三八小弟真三八 ... 想跟我玩起來還玩不起來哩溜~! 我看起來像你玩過性愛毒品轟趴的警界交誼男女員警&警官嗎? 你也少三八了 哇哈^N (我會不知道你的底細?)"

這個部落格這五年其實從頭到尾只有葉志雄和他的涉案醫師(&律師)蘇柏文,黃式州,徐欣如警員etc.在看 企圖從中即時f_cking(literally)程竹梅

所以我今天不能把任何訊息公開 更荒論在這個部落格上

今天晚上發生的事 我現在在寫刑事訴訟補充狀

我會先於對方呈遞 並且上面簽名蓋章捺手指印

哇哈^N 你們明天就知道了(竹北督察科全體的謊言 包括劉督的當程竹梅智能障礙/精神病等等的諸多謊言 不攻自破 哇哈^N)

Too bad Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung 管不住公妓(藝妓)長期枕邊情婦愛人吳怡貞女警 哇哈^N

連台灣媽祖英國客家吳淑華的長期邪惡謊言也掩護不了這場局 哇哈^N

上天的眼睛與手臂被台灣強制埋綁在竹北婦幼隊吳淑華副隊長的屁股裡 哇哈^N

就即便我閉口閉嘴裝啞巴你們現在也完全垮下來了 哇哈^N 去企圖控制那個偷窺吳怡貞屁屁的毒裊客家男警阿 去阿 去阿