2015年9月23日 星期三

這些來自撒旦的拖油瓶(日本色情影片發揚光大的淫亂所生的兒女的意思) 就是葉志雄派系人馬 現在繼續聲稱說一定遲早把程竹梅給幹掉 讓程竹梅在社會上和國際上繼續遭他們派系人馬F_cking(continued demoralization繼續持續去道德化的加害行為 efforts) 意即明言表態"程竹梅我們不是跟你搞'你死我活'非這樣不可~! F_ck you~!就"

這些來自撒旦的拖油瓶(日本色情影片發揚光大的淫亂所生的兒女的意思) 就是葉志雄派系人馬 現在繼續聲稱說一定遲早把程竹梅給幹掉 讓程竹梅在社會上和國際上繼續遭他們派系人馬F_cking(continued demoralization繼續持續去道德化的加害行為 efforts) 意即明言表態"程竹梅我們不是跟你搞'你死我活'非這樣不可~!F_ck you~!"

These people may have a lot of (territorial) power in the region here, but their IQ is not too high, they're just like Cin-Ty Aelous Lee李忻地.

This is also the case of the most recent police "investigator" 最新遇到的督察員 - they do even worse in terms of IQ than Wu-Su-Hua who is second (in) command(er) of Wu-Yi-Jen's office unit.

The game doesn't have to do with IQ however; in fact I find that higher IQ games are much easier to defeat! Because they're not like down low dirty inconsistent self-contradictory filled with contradictory evil vile thoughts towards you and carrying them out against you ambush no communication style like Afghani freedom fighters.

I mean, it's much harder to try to find their mode of thought and analyze them in terms of psychological warfare. It's completely chaotic, there are little if any rules at all (they contradict and go against their own pseudo in-situ inventory rules every second), I mean, it's as difficult to follow as the Papal Bull(s)!

(c.f. Papal Bull after "06:20")

And that is the nature and character of the occult(ic) people. They're all psychos. And for certain evil purposes, some entities find them "the more, the better"! - But since God is having His way anyway in this world, these guys are sitting as cooking goose-pies. Soon to be slaughtered, butchered, marinated in their own dunge (tossed out into their own dunge). Period.

So they were saying? (That I was going to suffer this instead? For what? Because they don't believe they can't F_ck God?)

