怡貞 這下面這部影片在"06分鐘:00"之後的一連串自我嘲諷笑話(幽默演藝界出身的伊朗-蘇格蘭美國混血高度智商IQ的KVon在說: "就是一副撇腿/瘸腿走路的壯帥男,莫名其妙特別讓女生蜂擁而上對他感到特別愛心關懷與潛在愛意...真的阿! 我如果早知道這樣 就不會老是擺出自己身體很健康, 很強壯的樣子~!")會不會使妳感覺到我更性感? (Which I too think is pretty weird with the girls ... b'cause I never think like that, but that's what my bio-mother derides me for from since my childhood, calling me 'male男不男女不女,幹~~~', and wtf I completely disagree with my occultic ethnic Taiwanese bio-mother's view and belief of gender roles in society ... moreover, most ethnic Taiwanese disagree with my bio-mother's view and belief of gender roles in society ...)