2015年8月3日 星期一

I was just threatened with falsified distorted false evidence by P.O.Debby's police male lovers ...

They're already filing multiple false criminal charges for (lethal) intimidation, (long-term) harassment, ...

... while glaring at me and my scooter plate number and having me put immediately into the police system as "wanted criminal at large 通緝犯" and for the n-th time, having all police departments notified of tracking me down over the public street surveillance system. 調閱路上的監視器畫面跟蹤我回家(今晚)

I said "三八小弟 偷窺吳怡貞是嫉妒人家吳怡貞假以時日有朝一日離得開兄弟葉志雄ㄏㄧㄡˇ? 哇哈^N", "三八小弟真三八 ... 想跟我玩起來還玩不起來哩溜~! 我看起來像你玩過性愛毒品轟趴的警界交誼男女員警&警官嗎? 你也少三八了 哇哈^N (我會不知道你的底細?)"

