2015年8月3日 星期一

All I can say immediately is that, Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and P.O.Debby & co. are currently trying to use harassment and holding criminal hostage and socio-politico intimidation towards my long-term 後天性 severely mentally ill parents, as method of trying to make me suck Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's penis and write up self-confessional of how yes Chu-Mei is such a slut always been wanting to suck Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung&co.'s penis but didn't know how to socialize.

Yes. This is what P.O.Debby has been saying for a few months now. In face of whatever evidences I flash before her eyes/ears.

Oh, these f_cking brutes are going to get my parents to come on public stage and tell all right. But it's not going to work the way they hope it's going to work (for them). Just to say the least.

