2015年2月8日 星期日

竹北劉督這幫葉志雄掩護長期犯罪 會變成說 要不就是繼續會有受害者More Victims Needed死在竹北劉督+葉志雄的手中 要不就是吳怡貞要繼續再次被她眾多警界男性枕邊愛人弄到再度精神分裂/再度被灌毒品拉上床打大肚子 而且這次還要被抓到證據 否則問題就是吳怡貞未來真的會沒人愛 沒人照料 大家都覺得她活該 原因是台灣男人智商很低 玩一玩吳怡貞之後 覺得她的重精神分裂症造成很大的困擾感 所以玩一玩就丟棄 玩一玩就丟棄

竹北劉督這幫葉志雄掩護長期犯罪 會變成說 要不就是繼續會有受害者More Victims Needed死在竹北劉督+葉志雄的手中 要不就是吳怡貞要繼續再次被她眾多警界男性枕邊愛人弄到再度精神分裂/再度被灌毒品拉上床打大肚子 而且這次還要被抓到證據 否則問題就是吳怡貞未來真的會沒人愛 沒人照料 大家都覺得她活該 原因是台灣男人智商很低 玩一玩吳怡貞之後 覺得她的重精神分裂症造成很大的困擾感 所以玩一玩就丟棄 玩一玩就丟棄

竹北劉督卻裝瞎聲稱不知此一情事 (我講得這麼清楚你跟我說沒有  而且從頭到尾語帶挑釁與嗤鼻輕渺!)

甚至葉志雄都會擺明說明有此情事並且合理化措辭 竹北劉督你居然還跟我說不知此一情事!!!


我本來不想發表這篇文章的 但為了我大妹程君梅 For Chun-Mei, 讓程君梅看到這些台灣男人就是低智商 連美女也是玩一玩就丟了 所謂 "You can't cure stupid" 就是這些台灣人的桎梏(有台灣男人是這樣的 也有台灣女人是這樣的 就是保佑邪惡台灣的台灣媽祖們)

Mark my words: P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警 is just being f_cked with. Like everyone else in her life. Her reason (crime/ original sin)? Just because she's pretty and sexy.

Nobody really loves her. Everyone hates her. Everyone is just playing her around for (sexual) exploitation.

And Wu-Yi-Jen is so stupid she grins from ear to ear (why, am I deeply pleased and proud of myself) at her masters. And assaults the real innocent victims in projection of the abuses she gets from her masters since the beginning of her life. [She's like 張典禎 from bio-mum's original church who came from Kao-Tsiung. The schizophrenic got bloodied I think, later, for similar reasons as Wu-Yi-Jen. She also tried to bloody me first - bio-mum was asking her to engage in the same abuses as the others. Just like Wu-Yi-Jen has been doing]

And ethnic Taiwanese DPP Superintendent Liu is so retarded and self-grandiose in his Taoist gender self-deism that he thinks Chu-Mei is easy to f_ck around with in full sight of the entire public audience domestic and international.

