2014年1月29日 星期三

Open Int'l Petition Letter to Nigel Farage, Hillel Neuer: 表示對高上茹檢察官近週對本人發出的刑事法庭秘密處決書感到失望(但在歷史抗爭史上這並不讓我感到意外) 並正觀望,待本人進一步調查整個過程內容,相關細節 目前本人並不宜太早做出任何相關言論回應

Open Int'l Petition Letter to Nigel Farage, Hillel Neuer:  表示對高上茹檢察官近週對本人發出的刑事法庭秘密處決書感到失望(但在歷史抗爭史上這並不讓我感到意外) 並正觀望,待本人進一步調查整個過程內容,相關細節 目前本人並不宜太早做出任何相關言論回應

目前現在只提出幾點說明: 1)對我做刑事處份是一種行政處份 有違政府行政單位之前嚴重造假關我急性精神病房兩個月 (一罪不兩罰的原則底下 不論憲法或中華民國政府行政程序法 高上茹檢察官必須先釐清 我若是"(重)精神疾病患者",那麼就很難對我做酒駕相關刑求處份 而若高上茹檢察官及其所配合的法官認定我是正常的,沒精神病的 那麼您們可就是自動向中央政府擺明動作要撤銷之前抓關我急性精神病房兩個月的一切相關造假記錄了 並對涉案之不肖醫師開始處以刑求! 按行政法之規定! 以及按照中華民國憲法之規定!) ; 2)我是被涉案之不肖精神醫師當時抓關恐嚇之後 才開始會喝酒的 更不用說酒駕 因此依照行政程序法規以及憲法賦予人民的人權權益保障, 此酒駕事故並不單純 要追究刑事責任 應該從大官以及政府行政(亦即尤是"高階行政公務員"的醫師!醫師高考及格 基本上定義上就是"高階行政公務員" 應為其所對任何人民所行使的"行政處份",包括抓關急性精神病房,負責. 更甚 我已再再聲明 這些涉案醫師屢次多方面對本人做人生安危之恐嚇! 高上茹檢察官若以為本人說謊 那就真的是要她自己去面對上帝說了:"上帝阿 我寧願相信這些台灣涉案醫師 也不願意相信程竹梅或程君梅!" "The People are Guilty until Proven Innocent!" "So s_ck my ass!"); 3)難到這次"簡易法庭判決處刑"是不管我的訴願書 聲明本人<1.>反正重精神病因此禁治產, 褫奪公權力, 無行事能力 因此任人擺佈也不得反抗 程竹梅所有一切的反抗聲音都無效, <2.>此"不用傳喚程竹梅(程英傑)出庭的簡易法庭" 性質上已是"秘密法庭 Secret Court Execution of Prosecution of Criminal Charges against Chu-Mei Chern"  明顯專制獨裁 Dictatorship

照片 001  照片 002  

1 則留言:

  1. 基本上這個刑事判決處份書不僅違法 而且秘密本身就更嚴重違法了 應該要公開所有一切過程 跟誰講話 誰說了什麼 人民擁有為自己的訴訟案件辯護的權力 The People have a right to speedy PUBLIC trial, as well as the right for legal representation! If you are violating this (these basic two rights), you are doing nothing except trying to intimidate Chu-Mei into s_cking d_ck for Chu-Tung's two criminal false doctors at Chu-Tung Provincial (now called "NTU Chu-Tung Hospital") and Chu-Tung Veterans'. Chu-Mei is not that cheap. Chu-Mei will not s_ck d_ck. Like I keep saying, you can break your skull in concrete as many times as you'd like, but that's not going to make Chu-Mei s_ck your d_ck. Oh and by the way when you're done, you might consider going back home and biting off your ethnic Taiwanese mother sow's nipples like the last ethnic Taiwanese big man did when he was put in prison for cold blooded brutal murder or something to similar effect.

    You (Taiwanese involved government entities/authorities) are not getting anywhere by attempting to abuse Chu-Mei into compromising herself with you and let you have your ways upon Chu-Mei. If Cin-Ty Aelous Lee of Rice University wasn't able to do this with all his mafia connections on a global scale both amongst asians as well as amongst caucasians and jews, what makes you Taiwanese local petty mafia gangs (criminal doctors are part of this group, direct parents and grandparents ARE literally local mafia bosses; members of mafia in courts and government being even more pervasive), think that you can pull Chu-Mei's underwear even down lower to your levels that are even lower and even more mentally retarded than Cin-Ty Aelous Lee of Rice University!
