2016年7月26日 星期二

我剛才打電話給竹北婦幼隊,但接我電話的一直掛我電話: 立法院民進黨眾數立委今天又在炒作政治與(族群)仇恨 真可謂是歷史上從二次大戰以降突然的大黑暗 這叫做在困難的目前國際經濟危機時刻 為了很多綠黨自私的考量而做出的大屠殺(大宰人民以為祭品來養活自己綠黨) 現在晚上又開始在企圖強行通過法律要把國營企業給分屍掉 真可謂是台灣人若還在挺這些的話 全世界會看得很清楚,台灣人的腦筋和智商有問題 爸爸媽媽說要殺你的肉來養活自己 台灣人還在覺得於有榮焉像是同性戀驕傲大遊行示威一樣 這個畫面很明顯!

前總統馬英九在下任前有說過一句話: 台灣人不要把自己的自由與繁榮當作理所當然! (詳我在2015年10月05日公開發表的部落格文章, 重貼如下面當做附件)

我現在沒有時間解釋或翻譯 而且網咖很貴 我會回去打成稿子後(並幫忙翻譯成中文)再發表 且會寄信(諫書)給所有我認為腦筋還清楚的民意代表以及朋友, 以及各相關政府單位(包括我比較認識的)

現在我只單單引用美國密西根州保守派系的國會議員 Thaddeus McCotter 當時講的短講 看得懂的人就知道我在反彈甚麼, 講甚麼了! (重點名詞等等我有稍做修改,以切合台灣現在發生的事)

There will always be time and pretext enough for people to compromise their principles and put forward poor public policy that may in the short run be popular but in the long run will be detrimental to the long-term interests of the Taiwanese people.

This is about majoritarian rule. It is about the faith in the people's representative institutions and those who inhabit the seats in which they are entrusted.

Today we are in a global financial bank panic. It is the first of our global economy. We are seeing a leveraged bailout of the Taiwanese Legislative Yuan. And in the end, these interests that want your money are threatening your prosperity. And the choice you face is this: You will lose, potentially, for prosperity for a short period of time, at the expense of your long-term Liberty. Once the Taiwanese government has got you to take that risk and pass it onto you as a quote-unquote moral hazard, they will be in the marketplace and as the free market is diminished your freedom itself is diminished. And as your Legislative Yuan Representatives does not stand up to these and put forward a better plan that truly protects the taxpayers, and truly has the long-term interests of the people of Taiwan at heart, you will be in jeopardy of losing both your prosperity and your Liberty.

The choice is stark and it was put forward in the book by Doestoevsky. In the Brothers Karamazov the Grand Inquisitor came to Jesus and he said, "If you wish to subject the people, give them miracle, mystery and authority; but above all give them bread." And it has always been the temptation in a crisis especially to sacrifice Liberty for short-term promises of prosperity. And it was no mistake during that during the 1917 Bolshevik revolution the slogan was "Peace, land, and bread." Today you are being asked to choose between bread and freedom. I suggest that the people on Main Street have said they prefer their freedom, and I am with them.

2015年10月4日 星期日

程英傑小姐對民進黨,蔡英文,228,美日近日雙雙派重海軍隊來"保護"台灣的看法 - 寫給新竹地檢署的公開信 Public Letter http://homer2797.blogspot.com/2015/10/228-public-letter.html

  1. http://homer2797.blogspot.com/2015/09/28sep20153-3.html
  2. http://homer2797.blogspot.com/2015/09/aka-jsgoreva.html
聽過台灣被日本人強制當慰安婦沒? 阿那還有鴉片戰爭和割據殖民的可怕喪權的時代 而且228是個(耶魯大學骷髏會)中情局完全自導自演自唱的騙局 ... 難道台灣人為了這個謊言,破壞了民族在所不惜? 這就是骷髏會撒旦教的目的! 在拆散所有親情友情,互相砍殺 這不僅是共產黨的鬥爭手段(就是焚書坑儒,好控制社會老百姓在專制極權底下)  這馬克斯本身就是英藉猶太撒旦教徒! 共產黨只不過是撒旦教的"政治(社會)實踐學"! 所以這一切都是撒旦教想要引起的! 道德淪喪! 背宗棄祖! 人類墮落到無底洞裡面去! 豈不是畜生不如了嗎?  

馬 太 福 音 Matthew 10:21-22 弟 兄 要 把 弟 兄 , 父 親 要 把 兒 子 , 送 到 死 地 ; 兒 女 要 與 父 母 為 敵 , 害 死 他 們 ; 22並 且 你 們 要 為 我 的 名 被 眾 人 恨 惡 。 惟 有 忍 耐 到 底 的 必 然 得 救 。 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. 22"You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.…

2014年5月15日 星期四

"On the Uses and Abuses of Freedom 一國之正當自由權versus濫權暴政" http://homer2797.blogspot.com/2014/05/on-uses-and-abuses-of-freedom-versus.html

 (這個系統不讓我嵌入影片圖片連結 請自行點選以上影片 是一名看穿了布希總統手法的美國軍人子

弟po的 抱怨政府暴政濫權侵略伊拉克為實 假正義 搶奪他國資源 帝國主義奴役其他民族!)

美國憲法律師Glenn Greenwald在尚未有時間查清楚波士頓爆炸案實情之前的發言言論: 
"On the High Cost of Government Secrecy 政府軍警政秘密的社會人民自由代價
(人民無隱私權 人民遭政府完全監視與控制,跟蹤)"

波士頓爆炸案背後的內幕真相! 政府才是第一號人民公敵與恐怖分子Terrorist!

