2015年7月20日 星期一

我今天中午又順便跑去竹北婦幼隊原要留言給吳怡貞女警 有人說她下午準備外勤,說服我說不用等 ... 所以我口頭留言之後就離開了


所以沒時間打好這封我在傍晚回朋友家休睏的時候想到的 現在我要發動甚麼樣的全面主動攻擊行動 -

1.         台灣有關的涉案者根深柢固的邪教信仰就是覺得他們需要有替死鬼(活人祭祀給鬼神)才能來改變他們的命運 簡稱"替死鬼Syndrome" – need Taoist Voodoo巫術 Cursing-doll替死鬼布偶娃娃給咒詛 to take their own place in this world, or feel insecure and don’t believe things will ever change for them. This belief is irrational and has no basis, and basically evidence of Demon-possession被鬼附的跡象. Why in the world when they are highly educated successful professionals (even though they are evil, despite of the fact of their long-time criminal organization), why would they continue to fall for this debasement of themselves and enslavement towards others - they feel lack of control of their lives, and this gives them control i.e. belief that they Devil is more predictable than God, belief that God only messes their lives up, hence refusal to surrender and give their lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ.
2.          Telling P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警 to hate on Chu-Mei (this is the same method as how bio-mother manipulated Chun-Mei and the other two younger sisters) as motivation and incentive for Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung&co. to screw P.O.Debby even worse – spiritually demons know that this controls&drags Chu-Mei down along similar to JSGoreva-like type effect?
3.          Bio-mum famous among church circles in Taiwan for exactly the wrong reason: ethnic Taiwanese Jezebel doing everything against the true Saints of God.
甲、Churches guilty for deliberate multiple standards against bio-father and bio-father’s biological children, while immortalizing bio-mum and rationalizing for continual hate-crime atrocious (sexual) abuses on children in the name of “this will teach them not to blasphemy against us and suck our penises and vaginas right~! Show em~! Show em~! Show em~! F_CK CURSE DAMN THEM ~!^N”
4.          Coming out with evidences by means of the few willing journalists to report the evidences and witnesses (here I deleted original contents, as Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄 has screamed at me "who? who dares to still provide evidence for you or support you or your case? who? tell me so that I can go f_cking murder-rape all of them or f_ck them to point of scaring them shitless like in "螢火蟲之戀" WWII Japanese realistic Taiwanese death cartoon~! 嘻~!^N And much, much, much more worse than that~! 嘻~!^N My penis is the largest most intimidating most irresistible you must s_ck my penis Chu-Mei or I screw f_ck you ~! 嘻~!^N)
甲、Hwang-Tsir-Chou’s黃式州 and Su-Buo-Wen蘇柏文&co.’s (陳能清 鄒本鑾 謝中興 etc.) rationalization and dependence on bio-father and bio-mother (threatening to sue parents for criminal if anything in the equation goes wrong, this threat also coming from co-opt 共犯 方仁宏) … obviously apparently does not stand against all the cumulative evidences and involved criminal parties to date (most of them being government officers/authority after year 2004/2005, since the only parties powerful enough to continue f_cking Chu-Mei etc., became these guys. Although societal ethnic Taiwanese DPP persons in Taiwan also continued to try to exert as much power and abuse as they possibly could; not wanting to admit to fact that they are only so small and so powerless in the entire world).
乙、Psychologically what motivates these ethnic Taiwanese is the same Demonic Satanism that drives the Irish (for example, there are also other examples) – don’t want to admit/acknowledge the fact of their smallness and finiteness and powerlessness. So they come out in the most heinous Inferiority-Superiority Complex psychopathy and clinical schizophrenic mental illness, as demonstrated throughout history and continuing and will continue forever – you are unable to save yourself when you are drowning, and that is the condition of these ethnic Taiwanese. Refusal to repent towards the true God and true Savior does that. This is the same as God’s judgment against the (deliberately) apostate Jews who refuse to repent and persecute Christians.

